Jennifer Garner’s Cat Enjoys Strolls Around the Block

Good To Know

Okay, I’ll admit it, my cat has a stroller.

The elderly Himalayan mix that rules our house quite enjoys the outdoor time it allows her. We’re working up to going for longer walks than just a stroll around the yard and I’ve got no problem showing off the fact my cat has a stroller. Why? Because I love my cat and will do anything to enrich her life!

And, I’m not the only cat parent who goes to what might be considered dramatic lengths either.

Like lots of other cat lovers, Jennifer Garner likes to stroll her cat too!

Angela Valvano/Facebook

Fresh Air for the Family

After pictures of Garner strolling her cat popped up online, Ellen DeGeneres just had to know what inspired Garner to walk her cat in a stroller, asking her about the cat stroller pictures when the 13 Going on 30 actress appeared on an episode of Ellen.

When she brought up the cat stroller, Garner laughed.

While Ellen joked animal parents might look a little crazy pushing their furry family in a stroller, she admitted to being one of those crazy parents. She used to stroll her arthritic dog, so she gets the need to please the critters.

Natasha Santiago/Facebook

And beyond pleasing her cat, Garner  revealed she walks the kitty in a stroller to get one of her kids more involved in getting out of the house to stretch their legs.

Garner’s three children, Violet, 14, Seraphina, 11, and Samuel, 8, have grown tired of being cooped up, but as she shared with Ellen, “One of my kids was not into going for walks and we just had to get out of the house and I said ‘What can we do?’”

She told her daughter, “‘We have to just commit to going for walks’.”

The response? “And she said, ‘I want to take the cat.’”

So, Garner ordered the stroller online and the rest was destined for internet fun!

Natasha Santiago/Facebook

Ellen was curious as to the cat’s real feelings about the stroller as the Garner kitty didn’t look too thrilled. But it seems their cat enjoys the stroller time.

“I think it’s happy to go out and about,” Garner assured.”It’s very titillated by the whole adventure. It’s into it.”

Cat Lady Inspires New Cat Lady

Garner did mention she blames a certain someone for her new cat obsession. “I blame Jessica Seinfeld [comedian Jerry Seinfeld’s wife].”

Ajoji the Cat/Facebook

She joked, “I want Jessica Seinfeld to know I blame her because she is like a cat lady and all of a sudden now I have a cat and have a cat stroller and I take it for walks.”

But that’s okay, because any cat mom willing to stroll her feline truly loves her cat!

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Feature Image: Angela Valvano/Facebook & Natasha Santiago/Facebook

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