Stray Cat Comes to Family Just in Time so Her Kittens Can Live Best Life


A cat was so happy to find a safe home. The night after arrival, she gave birth to four beautiful kittens.

cat mom, cuddle, kitten

Angela Su

A stray cat was brought to an animal rescue (RSQ209) in California when she was very pregnant. She was covered in fleas and in desperate need of foster care. Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals took her in and arranged a foster family for the sweet feline.

The expectant cat mom came home with Angela Su, a volunteer of the shelter. They got to work right away to wash off all the pesky fleas and treated her for other health issues. The sweet kitty whom they named Iris, was an instant love-bug, purring up a storm while she was being cared for.

At the time, Iris was thought to be due in about a week. “To my surprise, a few hours after she arrived, she started having contractions and gave birth to four healthy kittens,” Angela told Love Meow.

happy, cat, pets

Angela Su

“I think she knew that she was finally safe and that we would look after her and her kittens.”

After a rough start in life, Mama Iris was thrilled to find a safe haven to raise her babies — a warm nest lined with soft blankets and all-you-can-eat buffet right within reach.

cuddle, hug, cat mom, kitten

Angela Su

For the first few weeks, Iris wouldn’t leave her precious litter and kept them by her side around the clock. Angela often needed to bring food and water to the cat mom to remind her to eat and replenish.

When Iris was so invested in caring for her kittens, her foster mom would hold the food bowl next to her so she could eat without moving her babies.

cat mom, nursing, kittens

Angela Su

“She is one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever met. She is almost always purring,” Angela shared with Love Meow. “One thing I love about Iris is that she’s really talkative. She constantly talks to me or her kittens in little trills and meows.”

Mama Iris takes wonderful care of her little Crown Jewels and continues to mother and bathe them even though they are big enough to handle their own hygiene.

cat, grooms, kitten

Angela Su

The momma cat insists on giving mandatory baths and makes sure all of her babies are kept immaculately clean. If any of them tries to wiggle away in an attempt to escape a bath, she will grab them with her paw and meow and coo even more intensely.

“Iris can get very vocal around grooming time, especially when her kittens are not listening to her.”

cat mom, grooms, kittens

Angela Su

The attentive cat mom watches over her kittens every step of the way. If one of them starts to wander away on their own, the protective mama comes running to check on them. She will examine every new toy they come across, and give her seal of approval before leaving it to her kittens.

Watch the kitty family in this cute video:

Foster journey of a cat family

“When mama Iris first came to me she was very pregnant, covered in fleas and had tapeworms. It breaks my heart to think what would have happened if Iris didn’t get rescued,” Angela said.

“I’m so glad that we were able to get her to my home in time. Her kittens will never have to know a day on the streets, and Iris now has all the luxuries that she wants.”

newborn kittens, cute, cat

Angela Su

Every time Angela enters the foster room, Iris starts chatting away, telling her foster mom about her day.

The litter of four are eight weeks old now, but they still nuzzle up to their loving mama for comfort-nursing.

cat mom, nursing, kittens

Angela Su

Iris, the proud mom, still hovers over her babies everywhere around the house, making sure they are safe and well groomed.

cat mom, kitten, mini me

Angela Su

Share this story with your friends. Follow Iris’ little family and Angela’s foster kitties on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Cat Befriends a Couple and Decides to Bring Her Kitten to Them

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