Little Dog Carrying A Giant Stick Makes Everyone Who Sees Him Smile

Other Animals

You may not think it to look at him, but this little dog named Bosco was born to lead. And his philosophy on the matter is clear: Walk softly and carry a big stick.

You’d better make way for Bosco.

Bosco, dubbed “king of the sticks,” has earned quite a reputation around town. While out on walks with his owner in England, he seems to always seek out the biggest branches he can find, carrying them proudly for all to see and appreciate.

But, to be honest, other folks on the trail hardly have any other choice.

The sticks Bosco chooses are often so large they require everyone else to step out of the way. 

Here’s a video of one of Bosco’s recent walks — a royal procession of sorts that makes all the king’s humble subjects stop and smile:

Sure, he may be a rather unorthodox monarch, but under Bosco’s benevolent reign, the world is that much happier a place.

Long live the king!

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