Guest Star: Charlie the Rescue Cat

Good To Know

Hi everyone,

Please find below a Guest Story from Kelly J. about Charlie:

This is Charlie, who we got from a rescue centre in 2012. We didn’t choose him – he literally chose us by climbing up the wire on the pen and mewling at us.

As I was stroking him through the wire, the lady told us they’d had him for a while because he was ugly! My husband and I had gone to look for a black male cat, having recently lost our black male to a road accident. Hearing those words broke my heart and, with one look at my husband, he just nodded his head and Charlie came home with us.

He was far from ugly!

Sadly, we lost Charlie in April this year during the pandemic so we weren’t allowed to be with him when he was put to sleep but the veterinary staff that were, were absolutely lovely and I know Charlie wouldn’t have wanted me to be put at risk. That’s because I have five autoimmune disorders so I am on strong biologic medicine and tablets that suppress my immune system so I’m one of the extremely clinically vulnerable.

Being mischievous with Daddy!

Charlie has been with me through every step of my journey fighting these illnesses and he used to love climbing on my legs then massaging my tummy for me. I know cats like “padding” but, I swear he knew he was helping me as one of my disorders – Crohn’s Disease – badly affects my bowels so it was almost like he knew when I needed a little extra help!

About to massage my tummy!

He was very loving, cheeky, mischievous, would hog the king size bed and was my constant companion. To say we miss him is an understatement (he had a rare heart disorder we didn’t know about & showed no signs of illness until he suddenly collapsed & we rushed him to the emergency vets straight away) but we are being comforted by and providing comfort to our other cat, Kenny, who is also very special, but that’s another story!

Looking after Mummy!

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