Tripod Kitten Won Hearts of Wonderful Family and Blossomed into Beautiful Cat


A kitten with three paws crawled his way into the hearts of the perfect family.

Jamie Adams

Winston the kitten was just a few weeks old when he was brought to Nashville Cat Rescue, with an injured leg. The long-haired gray kitty survived an incredible ordeal after he was thrown from a moving car.

The kitten had to undergo multiple procedures to help him regain quality of life. Nashville Cat Rescue wanted to provide him a wonderful foster home for his long road to recovery. Jamie and Bryan Adams, volunteers of the rescue, didn’t hesitate to help.

The couple’s beloved cat Timmy (also a 3-legged) passed away a few months prior. When they heard about this tiny bundle of fur with a bad leg and his tenacity to fight for his new life, they knew they had to meet him.

Jamie Adams

They went to see the kitten at the hospital to show him some love and encouragement before surgery.

“Winston curled up in my husband’s arms and began to play. He was the happiest little goof you could imagine,” Jamie told Love Meow. “When they brought him to us, it immediately felt like he was ours.”

Jamie Adams

They took Winston home when he was ready to be discharged, and planned to foster-to-adopt the little guy. “He was still not allowed to have much activity (after surgery), but within just hours, he was so ready to take off.”

Despite their very best efforts, they couldn’t salvage his tail and right leg but were able to save his life. “He could finally move around almost any way he wanted. We could immediately tell a difference in his personality — he was free and loving his life.”

Jamie Adams

The warrior kitty continued to make strides every day — he healed up like a champ and his personality was beaming. Winston fit right into his big family with two feline friends (Fuzzy Pete and Maggie) and a gentle canine buddy (Shiner).

Having three legs has never slowed him down.

Winston and PeteJamie Adams

The intrepid kitten was determined to do anything just like other kitties. When he figured out how to leap over the foot of the bed to play fetch, it reinvigorated his feisty, rambunctious nature.

Over the next several months, the 3-legged wonder blossomed into a handsome cat with a gloriously fluffy coat to boot.

Jamie Adams

“Today, Winston has quite a joie de vivre from the moment he was medically cleared to run, pounce and play,” Jamie said.

Watch Winston’s journey in this cute video:

Winston the 3-legged cat

“He is floofy, snuggly and sweet, but he’s also a tireless little brother, a ruthless dog-bed thief and isn’t afraid to nudge anyone out of his way at the food bowl.”

Winston adores his brother, Fuzzy Pete. He shares snacks with him and showers him with snuggles.

Jamie Adams

“Winston loves to play fetch and sun himself in the tree fort. He constantly tries to head bump (his canine friend) Shiner and frequently kicks him out of his bed! He loves to be cradled and have his cheeks stroked until he falls asleep.”

He claims the biggest chair in every room and sits like a distinguished gentleman that he is.

Jamie Adams

Winston has been the “spokescat” for Jamie and Bryan’s company The Timmy Trust, which helps support animal rescue organizations across the US.

He is the perfect little supervisor and will take every opportunity to take over the office chair.

Jamie Adams

It’s been a wonderful year since he found his forever family.

“He’s perfectly imperfect, and a stubborn handful at times, but we wouldn’t want him to be any other way.”

Jamie Adams

Share this story with your friends. Follow Winston and his adventures on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kitten with Twisted Legs Finds a Family She Always Wanted

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