Wobbly Kitten Insists on Giving Other Cats Hugs After He was Rescued


A wobbly kitten came to a veterinary clinic for a chance at a better life. He started giving everyone cuddles, especially his feline friends.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

A tiny kitten was brought to Animal Welfare League of Arlington, in need of foster care. While being cared for at their Kitten College program, they noticed that he had difficulty eating, staying upright and wasn’t gaining weight at the rate that he should.

They immediately reached out to Nova Cat Clinic (in Arlington, Virginia) as they have a program, Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Fund, that provides help to kittens in critical condition.

“We did our basic intake exam and lab work and noticed he had a small systemic infection which our veterinarians prescribed antibiotics for,” Ellen Carozza, a Feline Licensed Veterinary Technician at Nova Cat Clinic, told Love Meow.

They named the little guy Quark after the subatomic particle in quantum physics.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

“We also noticed he displayed the typical characteristics of Cerebellar Hypoplasia (where the cerebellum fails to develop properly due to a number of causes in cats). CH cats do not need any special treatment. To themselves, they are totally normal!”

Being a little wobbly doesn’t stop Quark from enjoying life. He is figuring out his own way of navigating the world. “We take precautions to have him in a safer environment by ‘CH proofing’ areas so if he wobbles and falls, he won’t hurt himself.”

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

From day one, Quark proved to be a cuddler. He preferred to be swaddled as it made him feel more secure and stable. Staff at the clinic wrapped him up with a soft blanket and carried him around so he could fulfill his constant need for cuddles.

“Quark loves a good swaddle, and Heather (his foster mom) had him riding around in her pocket most of the day as she helped me with our patients,” Ellen said.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Quark took a liking to Eggbert, a feline extraordinaire and a proud graduate from the clinic’s rescue program. The ginger boy cuddled up to him and tried to nuzzle into his fluffy belly for some extra affection.

Eggbert didn’t mind the little busy body and was happy to share a nap with him.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

“Eggbert loves other kittens that are more his speed, which is right with him at close proximity,” Ellen shared with Love Meow.

“He has a tolerance for some antics. Most of the time he enjoys a good kitten cuddle puddle.”

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Quark met another ginger named Elvis and immediately decided he needed a big embrace. The kitten managed to wrap his body around his friend and laid his head on his for a full-body bear hug.

Elvis is a hero from the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Fund. He provides transfusions to sick cats and kittens and has helped save many lives.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

When Quark is back home with his foster family, he immediately gravitates towards Smudge, the 18-year-old resident cat, and showers him with licks. The ginger boy never gets tired of giving or receiving cuddles.

“Smudge ‘tolerates’ his presence and pretends to ignore his shenanigans,” Ellen added.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Besides his affinity for hugs, Quark has his share of quirks. He attempts to catch air with his flappy paws. After every bottle session, he likes to be wrapped in a soft blanket like a purrito.

To make sure the kitten never feels alone, they brought a snuggly fish toy to keep him company.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

“Quark is simply a happy cat. He is in wonder of the world and I wish many more people would see how a CH cat enjoys life just as much as a cat with no motor issues,” Ellen told Love Meow.

“They are delightful and deserve to be adopted too. They also make a great first time ‘special needs’ cat.”

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Quark and Ellen Carozza LVT on Facebook and Instagram. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to learn more.

Related story: Stray Kitten Rescued from Fire, Cuddles Man and Won’t Let Go

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