Stray Cat Brought Her Kittens to Family’s Yard So Their Lives Could Be Turned Around


A stray cat brought her kittens to a family’s backyard so their lives could be saved.

Catsnip Etc

A family from Indiana discovered a stray cat living in their backyard but she was not alone. Two kittens with curly hair were huddled up next to her while she tried to keep them safe from the elements of the outdoors.

The family tried to feed them but realized that they needed immediate medical attention. The kittens had an upper respiratory infection, stomach issues, and were covered in fleas. Catsnip Etc, a TNR (trap-neuter-return) rescue in Indiana, was then contacted for help.

“With all of those issues, they were getting more and more lethargic and not gaining weight. When we got there, we were surprised to find two tiny kittens with curly hair. We never imagined we would see that in a stray kitty,” Catsnip Etc shared with Love Meow.

Catsnip Etc

Catsnip Etc has been actively helping and rescuing community cats in the neighborhood. “Momma must have figured out that the family’s fenced-in backyard would be a safe place to keep her kittens and made that her home.”

The rescue brought them in, started them on medications and got rid of all the pesky fleas. The cat mom, Aspen, was also treated for a wound on her neck. She was very young and just skin and bones after trying to keep up with nursing her babies, Avalanche (boy) and Alaska (girl).

Catsnip Etc

After they settled into their foster room, Mama Aspen could finally breathe a sigh of relief and get some much-needed shut-eye.

She continues to care for her demanding little kittens around the clock, and is so grateful to have a roof over their heads and all the food she can munch on.

“She starts purring as soon as you walk into her room. She flops herself down and waits for belly rubs,” Missy McNeal of Catsnip Etc told Love Meow.

Catsnip Etc

Sweet Aspen is coming out of her shell and getting more affectionate by the day. Her kittens are learning to be brave around people and already loving their VIP life as indoor cats.

“The babies are still a little shy but love running around the room and playing with toys.”

Catsnip Etc

“Momma Aspen loves her babies so much. She is so protective and always has a watchful eye on them to make sure they aren’t getting into trouble,” Missy shared with Love Meow.

“She is so patient with them as they are climbing all over her and playing with her tail.”

Catsnip Etc

“If we hadn’t gotten them when we did, I don’t think they would have made it. They were so small and weak from being sick.”

In just a few days, their eyes have all cleared up and their bellies are round and full. The kittens’ personalities are emerging.

Catsnip Etc

Once the kittens discovered cat toys, they were so overjoyed that they couldn’t stop playing, unleashing their unbridled energy.

With proper care, good food and a comfortable home, the little family of three is thriving.

Catsnip Etc

The feline siblings have already put on weight and gained a ton of energy. Their curly coats are clean and fluffy, and their appetites are increasing every day.

Catsnip Etc

No more worries about living another day on the streets, Mama Aspen is as happy as can be.

Catsnip Etc

Follow updates on this little family and Catsnip Etc on Facebook and Instagram.

Watch the little family in this cute video:

Cat family

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Related story: Man Helps Stray Cat Just in Time So Her Kittens Can Have a Better Life

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