Woman Leaves Neighbors A Note To See If She Can Pet Their Dog

Other Animals

4 min read

“I was a little nervous that the answer would be no.”

Each day as Sarah Elkins headed into work, she would always notice an adorable dog hanging out in a yard right near Elkins’ office. The dog seemed so happy to see her and to be playing outside in general, but Elkins never saw the dog’s family out with her, and didn’t want to pet the sweet girl without permission. 

“I started telling her she was a pretty girl, and soon she started sticking her nose through the fence and wagging her tail, but I never wanted to intrude on her space,” Elkins told The Dodo. 

neighbor dog
Sarah Elkins

One day, Elkins was on a break from work and went outside to take a walk. She was having a particularly rough day, and as soon as she saw the sweet dog’s face staring at her from the yard, she knew she had to find a way to get permission to pet her. 

“[She] saw me come out of my office door from her yard and greeted me at the gate with a full body wag and a smile,” Elkins said. “I couldn’t take it anymore and ran back to the office to print the sign.” 

neighbor dog
Sarah Elkins

Elkins decided to make a sign asking the dog’s family if she could pet her. She hung the sign inside the gate so that they would be sure to see it, then crossed her fingers and hoped the answer would be yes. 

The next morning, she went into work early so she could check for a response — and was absolutely delighted to find one waiting for her. 

neighbor dog
Sarah Elkins

The note said “Of course” in all caps, and mentioned that the dog’s name was Sparrow. Elkins was so thrilled that after months of waiting, she was finally able to pet Sparrow and give her so much love. 

neighbor dog
Sarah Elkins

“I was a little nervous that the answer would be no, but it wasn’t,” Elkins said. “Even better, Sparrow was there with her tail wagging so fast it moved her whole body side to side.” 

Now, Elkins stops by to pet Sparrow every morning and any other time she sees her hanging out outside. There has been a heat wave recently, so Sparrow isn’t always outside, but when she is, she’s always so excited to greet her new friend. 

neighbor dog
Sarah Elkins

“Sometimes she will even put her paws on the fence to get a hug,” Elkins said. 

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