Street Cat So Happy to Find Help for Her Kittens, One of Them is Her Mini-me


A calico cat was found along with her three kittens. One of them is the spitting image of her.

calico cats, mini me, kitten

Little Wanderers NYC

Last week, Jae, a resident of New York City, found a young cat behind a deli in Jamaica, Queens, but the calico was not alone. She was with her three kittens living amongst the garbage outside of the establishment.

Jae tried to help them by giving them some food and calling local rescues for assistance. Little Wanderers NYC, a volunteer-based rescue, quickly responded and sprang into action. One of their volunteers dropped everything at hand and rushed to the scene.

Meanwhile, they arranged for a foster home so the feline family could have a roof over their heads and people to care for them.

Little Wanderers NYC

Rescuers were able to get the family of four to safety by using a drop trap. “Most cats try desperately to flee from the trap, but not this family! They were so hungry that they did not care about their surroundings. We let them eat to their hearts’ content,” Little Wanderers shared with Love Meow.

“The good news for this family is that they will never know about hunger again.”

calico, kitten, cat, lookalike

Little Wanderers NYC

Sarah Lazar came across a post about these kitties and knew she had to help. “I’ve never fostered before, but when I saw their picture on Little Wanderers, something really connected me to them,” Sarah told Love Meow.

“They were living in trash with little food, no place to sleep, and they deserved the safest, warmest of homes. Without thinking, I immediately contacted Little Wanderers and within about four hours, they were in my apartment.”

The cat mom and her kittens were given the medical attention they desperately needed. They were very thin and had a lot of filling out to do.

Sarah Lazar

They were so hungry that they leapt over the food bowls, scarfing down every morsel. “They would not stop eating. It’s like they didn’t know where their next meal was coming from, so they felt like they had to stuff themselves.”

The kitties were treated for fleas and cat colds, and each was given a much-needed bath. After getting a taste of indoor life, their personalities started to emerge.

“They had their treats, they played with their first toys, and actually started wrestling with each other like kittens do,” Sarah shared with Love Meow. “Now, they’re getting into all kinds of mischief that they never could before, and it makes my heart so happy to see.”

Sarah Lazar

After two nights in foster care, the cat mom, Penny, finally realized that they were safe. She calmed down and began to come out of her shell. “I have a feeling that she’s been on the streets her whole life. But slowly, she’s begun to trust that I am here to protect her and her babies.”

Sweet Penny has grown to enjoy cuddle time with her foster mom and never has to worry about feeling unsafe or know hunger ever again.

Sarah Lazar

“I sat her down in my lap the other night in a different room so she could have a break from the kittens, and she instantly flopped into me and snuggled in close. She’s so happy and content,” Sarah told Love Meow.

Mama Penny adores all her babies but is especially close to Lulu, her mini-me. The little calico is very feisty, packed with energy and has an insatiable appetite.

cat mom, calico kitten, mini me, cute

Sarah Lazar

“They like to share treats together, and I think mama reigns in Lulu’s kitten craziness a little,” Sarah added.

Watch Mama Penny and her kittens in this video:

Cat mom and her mini me

“Lucky for us, a wonderful family fell in love with the two of them, and just got approved to adopt them! We’re so happy that mom and daughter get to go home together.”

Sarah Lazar

“Beau (the orange and white kitten) is a little gentleman, the only boy of the bunch, and so cuddly and sweet,” Sarah said.

Sarah Lazar

“Little Nikko (tuxedo) is learning how to wrestle her siblings and is obsessed with all the toys they get to play with. Whoever gets these little loves are going to be oh so lucky.”

Sarah Lazar

Share this story with your friends. Follow Little Wanderers NYC on Facebook and Instagram. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Cat Walked into Woman’s Apartment with a Kitten, Then Came Back with More

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