Woman Wakes Up Every Morning To Her Neighbor’s Dog Waiting To Say ‘Hi’

Other Animals

3 min read

“Seeing Edith has certainly helped to fill the dogless void in my life” ❤️️

When Sophie Moore moved into her new house, she couldn’t help but feel a bit lonely.

She had just gone through a breakup and missed her dog, who was living with her ex-partner.

Then, one morning, an unexpected visitor showed up and immediately helped Moore feel more at home.

Dog visits woman every morning
Sophie Moore

A large black Lab named Edith was sitting outside her kitchen door, asking to come inside.

“I arrived and she was a bit wary of me at the start, but after a few biscuits and loves she soon became my friend,” Moore told The Dodo.

It didn’t take long for Moore and Edith to form a routine. Every morning, when Moore wakes up, she sees Edith eagerly waiting outside the door, ready for pets.

“Most days she is sat outside my front door,” Moore said. “I’ll open the door and she comes and says hello. She’ll stick around as long as I’m in the kitchen.”

And Moore couldn’t be happier to start her day with a friendly, furry face.

“With me, she just wants lots of cuddles and head and butt scratches,” Moore said. “She loves to push her head into your legs so she can squeeze her whole body through so you can scratch her bum.”

Sophie Moore

Edith is allowed to wander around the neighborhood as she pleases, so it’s impossible to know just how many visits she makes in a day. But, for Moore, Edith’s constant stopovers have helped make it easier to adjust to her new life.

Neighbor dog visits woman every day
Sophie Moore

“Not having my dog here with me anymore has been really hard because I miss her so much and I’ve always had dogs in my life,” Moore said. “So seeing Edith has certainly helped to fill the dogless void in my life.”

“Seeing her little tail wag when she sees me is so heartwarming,” she added.

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