Woman Gives Her Frogs Their Very Own Dollhouse To Play In

Other Animals

3 min read

“They like finding the funniest lil hiding spots inside the dollhouse” ❤️️🐸

Tara Meagher has only had her frogs, Snoop Frog and Martha, for about six months, but she’s already completely in love with them. 

“I got them when I was feeling really down at the beginning of quarantine, and they have made me laugh every day since,” Meagher told The Dodo. “They both come out to greet me now when I walk by their tank every morning!”

Meagher loves spending time with her frogs and watching them discover and explore their own little world. She takes them out occasionally so they can have little mini adventures, and whenever she does, she loves taking cute pictures of them. 

Then she remembered the furniture and accessories from a dollhouse she and her mom share, and had the cutest idea.

“My mom bought the dollhouse years ago at a garage sale, and the two of us have been refurbishing and furnishing it together since then,” Meagher told The Dodo. “I used a few props from the dollhouse to take funny pics of my lil guys, then I thought I might as well put them in there!” 

Meagher introduced Snoop Frog and Martha to their new dollhouse, and the frogs immediately began exploring around.

“They usually only hang out in there for a few minutes, then I return them to their vivarium,” Meagher said. “They like finding the funniest lil hiding spots inside the dollhouse, though … One time one hid inside the miniature fridge.”

While they take a little time to stretch their legs, Meagher can’t resist doing more photo shoots of them in there too, and the results are just too cute. 

Meagher loves her frogs so much and always wants to make sure they’re happy and safe — and loves taking pictures along the way to share their adorableness with the world. 

You can follow Snoop Frog and Martha on Instagram

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