Family Brought Kittens Home, Their Foster Cat Took Them in as Her Own and Helped Them Thrive


A sweet foster cat took in a litter of rescued kittens and started caring for them.

Little Wanderers NYC

A few weeks ago, Little Wanderers, an all-volunteer rescue in New York City, was contacted about a shy pregnant cat found on Staten Island, needing urgent help.

“She’s lived on the grounds of a NYCHA housing project for two years. Neighbors say she was left behind after her owner passed away. She got out and never left the grounds of the only home she knew,” Little Wanderers shared with Love Meow.

The cat named Norway had been roaming the streets for a long time until an independent rescuer found her. They took in the heavily pregnant cat so she could have a safe home to have her kittens.

Little Wanderers NYC

Within 48 hours after being rescued, she gave birth to a litter of kittens but was completely overwhelmed by stress. She became aggressive and wanted nothing to do with the babies. “After emergency vetting, it was suggested that mom be separated from the newborns as it was too stressful for her.”

They placed Norway in a foster home and began to look for volunteers who could care for the kittens around the clock.

Little Wanderers NYC

A couple, Tyrone and Megan, stepped up to help. They had a nursing cat mom, Mandy, from another rescue, and hoped that she would accept the new babies.

Mandy’s own litter of seven was all weaned and big enough to go on their own. As soon as she heard the cries of the new kittens, she came running to them.

cat, nursing cat, kittens

Little Wanderers NYC

“Although we have great bottle feeders, cat moms are the best for kittens; emotionally and physically. We took a chance and tried to save these newborn kittens with a nursing queen,” Little Wanderers shared.

“Mandy instantaneously started caring for these kittens, licking and nursing them. It made us all cry happy tears.”

Little Wanderers NYC

Meanwhile, Tyrone and Megan worked tirelessly to provide supplemental care to assure optimal health and weight gain. Despite their very best efforts and constant vet care, only two kittens pulled through.

“These two girls fondly named Iota and Mu are the sole survivors. They are strong healthy girls that crawl and waddle everywhere and are so happy to be alive,” Little Wanderers said.

Little Wanderers NYC

The little cow kitties are getting more playful and rambunctious every day. They are starting to learn to eat on their own but always head back to their surrogate mom for snacks and comfort-nursing.

The couple is thrilled that the kittens are thriving and growing by leaps and bounds. Foster Dad Tyrone likes to come into the cat room with his guitar and serenade the adorable feline family. They celebrate each day and every milestone with them.

Little Wanderers NYC

“Norway (the biological cat mom) is now relaxing in a lovely foster home and snuggles on the 1000 count sheets on her foster family’s bed,” Little Wanderers shared with Love Meow.

She has retired from motherhood for good and is ready to be spoiled and loved by a family of her very own.

Little Wanderers NYC

It took a village, but with a network of rescuers, a kind family and a loving cat mom, Iota and Mu’s lives were turned around.

In a few weeks, they will be ready for their forever home.

Little Wanderers NYC

“Despite impossible odds, collectively we made a few miracles happen,” Little Wanderers said. “Cats amaze us. It is the hope that we will succeed that keeps us going.”

Little Wanderers NYC

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Related story: Kitten Insists on Staying with Family that Helped Him Thrive

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