Palm-sized Kitten Shows Fighting Spirit, Determined to Live Best Life After She Was Found in Compactor


A little palm-sized kitten showed incredible fighting spirit after she was found in a compactor.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

A tiny kitten was rescued from a trash compactor in the nick of time. Her cat mom was nowhere to be found, and she was the sole survivor of her litter. Her sheer will kept her alive and the tabby pulled through an incredible ordeal.

Without a nursing cat mom, the little singleton was in desperate need of around the clock care and bottle feedings. Amber, a foster volunteer of Hear No Evil Australia, immediately stepped up to help. At the time, she was caring for a feline family of five, where the four kittens were about the same age as the orphan.

“With singleton babies, they tend to do much better with others,” Amber said. “She is a sweetheart that thankfully didn’t take too long to figure out that the bottle is good stuff.”

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

The kitten named Meg latched onto her bottle and gobbled down the food like a champ. She loved being hand-reared by her foster mom and would wiggle her ears in pure bliss.

The mighty little kitty showed incredible fighting spirit from the start and didn’t let anything slow her down.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

As soon as she gained enough strength in her legs and could waddle about, she went cruising around the living room like she owned it. When she tumbled, she quickly got back up and continued honing her skills and perfecting her gait.

“She was very proud of herself and rightly so for learning how to walk and doing it so well,” Amber shared.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

The little warrior kitty is very brave and adventurous. She was immediately intrigued by the resident dog and walked right up to her for some attention and licks.

Meg will gently put her paw on her canine friend as a way to ask her to continue washing her face and doting on her.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

To help the kitten socialize, Meg was introduced to the litter of four and three new younger kittens that were brought in as orphans.

Watch Meg the kitten in this cute video:

Meg the kitten – foster journey

Meg didn’t hesitate to saunter up to her new friends and greet them with a few gentle pats on their back.

The tabby girl happily joined their big cuddle puddle and filled the room with purrs. Meg fit right into the clowder and got along with everyone like a charm.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Meg and her feline friends are thriving in foster care. Now, she has a big patchwork family and a canine buddy to keep her company and give her the constant attention she needs.

She shares quite the resemblance to her foster siblings, Rueben and Thelma. “Meg has short hair, Rueben has white socks and is fluffy, and Thelma has more of a distant tabby pattern,” Amber added.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

The tabby girl is around 6-7 weeks old and getting more playful and rambunctious each day.

Meg the little mischief-maker is loving her VIP life with all the other kittens around her. She is showing the younglings the ropes and plotting new antics with her peers.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Meg still has some growing to do before she is ready to find a forever home. As of now, the sweet tabby continues her adventures in her foster home, living life to the fullest.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Meg and Amber’s fosters on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kitten Half the Size He Should Be, is Determined to Live Full Life After Being Found without Mom

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