Woman Helped Kitten, Couldn’t Stop Thinking About Her and Traveled Across States to Bring Her Home


A woman couldn’t stop thinking about the kitten she helped, and traveled across states to get her back.

Amy Cool

A tiny calico and her litter mates came to Escambia County Animal Shelter in Pensacola, Florida, and were scheduled to be transported to Providence Animal Center in Media, Pennsylvania for a chance at a better life.

While waiting for transport to be finalized, Amy Cool who volunteers for the shelter, took them home to foster. The little calico named Candy Corn quickly proved to be a sweetheart.

She climbed her way onto Amy’s shoulders within minutes and began tagging along with her everywhere around the house. Nothing made the calico happier than being up-close and personal with her foster mom.

“She was so exceptional to me in how affectionate she was. I’m the type that wants my kittens with me 24/7 and wants to give them tons of cuddles, so we just clicked perfectly,” Amy told Love Meow.

Amy Cool

By the time the kittens headed off to Providence Animal Center, Amy felt that a part of her was missing.

Early October, Candy Corn and her siblings safely arrived in Pennsylvania and were taken into foster care with volunteer Linnea Hermanson. The litter had some growing to do before they were ready to be put up for adoption.

The calico who was the runt of the litter, was very behind in weight. It didn’t take long for Linnea to notice that she would rather choose people over food.

Amy Cool

“Most of the time she would completely ignore the food and follow me around or climb up on my lap. She just wasn’t interested in food if she had the option of getting attention from foster mom (or dad) instead,” Linnea told Love Meow.

Linnea started leaving the room to let the kitten focus on eating, but only to come back to Candy Corn sitting by the door, waiting for her. “She was a complete love-bug who wanted attention more than food, and obviously loved my dogs and everyone else.”

Linnea Hermanson

Meanwhile, Amy (in Florida) who had been completely enamored by Candy Corn, couldn’t stop thinking about the sweet parrot kitty.

“I was crying so much that my friends and family were the ones who initiated calling Providence Animal Center and people they knew in Philadelphia to make sure we had multiple plans to get her back,” Amy shared with Love Meow.

Amy Cool

“I’ve fostered around 20 cats and kittens, but little Candy Corn was clearly meant for me.”

While Amy got in touch with the rescue, the little calico continued to seek out whoever was willing to cuddle in the house. She would go around, jumping from one warm body to another — her foster parents and their dogs all got a share of her love.

Amy Cool

“She would also interrupt my work video calls by climbing onto my shoulder and chewing my ears! It’s easy to see why making the trip from FL to PA was an easy choice for Amy,” Linnea shared with Love Meow.

By the end of October, the little cuddle-bug was finally big enough for spay surgery and would begin preparing for her forever home. Last week, Amy hit the road, drove three hours to New Orleans and then hopped on a four-hour flight to Philadelphia.

Amy Cool

“Once I held her she started purring like crazy and was glued to me. When we finally got out of the airports, she insisted on sitting on my shoulder the whole car ride,” Amy told Love Meow.

The kitten grabbed onto her forever human ever so tightly as if she would never let her go. “Once we were home, she clearly recognized my room and all her toys, and seemed so happy to be back!”

Amy Cool

For the first few days being back where she belongs, Candy Corn spent nearly every waking hour purring and kneading away in bliss.

She would perch on Amy’s shoulder or wrap her arms around her, and wouldn’t leave her side.

Amy Cool

“She still sleeps curled up on my shoulder every night. We’re best buddies and totally inseparable,” Amy shared with Love Meow.

Amy Cool

“I’m so happy to get her back! She was worth every penny, mile, and hour!”

Amy Cool

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Related story: Stray Kitten Walks into Man’s Apartment and Decides to Stay and Change His Life

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