Kitten with Thumbs Finds Sweetest Friend Who Follows Her Everywhere She Goes


A kitten with thumbs wrapped her mittens around a tabby who needed a companion. They became instant friends.

Saving Grace Rescue

Two kittens from different mothers crossed paths when they were brought to a shelter in Santa Cruz, California. They were both found as singletons and needed treatment for ringworm.

Staff placed them together so they could have a buddy as they embarked on their journey to recovery. Volunteers reached out to local rescues and hoped to find the pair the help they needed to thrive.

The two kittens quickly hit it off and became fast friends. They found comfort in each other but desperately needed a foster home to continue their healing process.

Saving Grace Rescue

Saving Grace Rescue, an all-volunteer rescue group, stepped up to help and took the kittens into their care.

“They are closely bonded to each other. One of them named Dory has extra toes and a low-slung walk,” Amber Holly, founder of Saving Grace Rescue, told Love Meow.

Saving Grace Rescue

Joyce, a foster volunteer of Saving Grace, welcomed the two into her loving home. The tabby named Dini didn’t hesitate to show off his toughness and sassy attitude. His adopted sister Dory followed right behind him, looking to him for security.

“Dini was named after Houdini because he can find any spots to hide. Dory was named after Houdini’s assistant Dorothy,” Joyce told Love Meow.

Saving Grace Rescue

“They are two singletons that have been paired together since they were about 5-6 weeks old.”

Dory, the sweet polydactyl, is a bit shy but feels safe and content as long as her brother Dini is around. The tabby is the adventurous and playful one. He encourages Dory to try new things and acts like a protective brother around her.

Saving Grace Rescue

When he discovers a new platform to jump on, he’ll quickly make his way there and call out to his sister to join in the fun. “Dory who has shorter legs, always looks to Dini to guide her on different heights. They are seen together most of the time,” Joyce shared with Love Meow.

Dini follows his best friend everywhere around the house, making sure she is not alone.

Saving Grace Rescue

The little tabby doesn’t want to miss out on a single nook and cranny in the house. He has been an expert in finding new hiding places, and Dory tags along with him, following his lead.

Watch the two kittens in this cute video:

Best of friends

The two best friends have recovered beautifully, and their bond has gotten stronger than ever. Dini looks out for his little sister, and Dory looks up to him with every adventure they take together.

Saving Grace Rescue

Dini the big brother likes to place his paw on top of Dory’s big mitten when they nap, as if they are holding paws constantly. The two buddies depend on each other and will seek out one another if they aren’t within eyeshot.

After a few weeks in foster care, the kittens are now ready for their next adventure in life — a forever loving home.

Saving Grace Rescue

Knowing how close these kittens are, the rescue hopes to find them a great home together as they can’t be separated.

Dini has blossomed into a friendly, rambunctious tabby boy, and his sister is just as sweet as can be.

Saving Grace Rescue

The two have different personalities but complement each other perfectly.

After a long play session, they always curl up together in bed and hold paws before purring themselves to sleep.

Saving Grace Rescue

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Related story: Pint-sized Kitten with Extra Toes is Determined to Thrive After Being Brought Back from the Brink

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