Sunday Quotes: Holiday Season

Good To Know

As this crazy year comes to a close, we’re finding ourselves in the middle of a holiday season that is anything but normal. And yet, I believe it’s important that we do whatever we can to make this season meaningful.

I admit, I’m struggling. So many of my favorite holiday traditions are either canceled or can’t happen safely this year. No Christmas markets, no afternoons baking with friends, no holiday concerts, no holiday teas, no meals at restaurants – all of these activities make the holiday season special for me, and I’ve shed quite a few tears over the last few weeks when the realization hits over and over again just how different things are this year.

But I am determined to make the most of the season. For starters, I have so much to be grateful for at a time when so many people have lost so much more than just some lovely traditions.

Even though many of us can’t safely see family or friends this year, there are still ways we can make this time special. I put my Christmas tree up the day before Thanksgiving. I’ve started my holiday baking, and while it’s not as much fun by myself rather than doing it with friends, I’m looking forward to sharing my treats with others.

A couple of my local friends have fire pits in their yards, so we can continue to see each other outdoors even during the cold months, and that goes a long way toward lifting my spirits. My German dad always used to say “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes,” and he and I would go for our daily walk no matter how cold or snowy it might have been outside. Short of a blizzard, my daily walks as well as an occasional walk with a friend will continue.

And finally, I try to find ways to help others who are not as fortunate as I am.

Perhaps the purpose of this holiday season is for all of us to turn inward a bit more than we normally would this time of year. Instead of the usual hustle and bustle of the season, maybe this is the year to hit the pause button and focus more on the true meaning of the season.

How are you approaching this holiday season? What helps you get into the spirit of the season?

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