Mail Carrier Delivers Kindness And Rescue To Stray Cat In Need

Good To Know

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

For one kind-hearted mail carrier, this U.S. Post Office creed reaches beyond delivering packages to include rescuing cats in need. Ask Jackson the cat. His tale of rescue comes thanks to a postal worker who worried the orange cutie might be cold and hungry on the winter streets.

In the Jackson Circle area of Cambridge, a major suburb of Boston, MA, the anonymous postal worker spotted Jackson and began taking a minute away from the holiday rush to offer him food every day. When temperatures dipped, the mail carrier built the streetwise cat his very own cardboard box shelter.

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But soon, winter truly set upon the city. The postal worker worried for their new feline friend and contacted the Animal Rescue League of Boston, delivering Jackson a chance for a quiet life away from the city wilds.

From the Streets to Home Forever

When Jackson arrived at the Rescue League’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center, the friendly cat received a thorough lookover by a veterinary team. The exam revealed Jackson to be about 8 years old and suffering from extensive dental disease, “to the point where all but one of Jackson’s canines were cracked down to the root,” according to the ARL.

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To fix the issues, Jackson underwent a deep teeth cleaning and had 10 teeth removed. It also seemed he’d been a scrapper in his street life. He was covered in cuts and scrapes and tested positive for FIV. Though he may have battled other cats, Jackson enjoyed the company of the kind humans around him. With their support, he recovered quickly from the dental procedure.

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And now, the former stray has received the most special of deliveries, a home for the holidays! At home with his new family, Jackson has earned the name Teddy. Probably because he’s a sweet snuggly bear of a cat!

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Without the kindness of the anonymous postal worker, this good cat might have missed his forever home chances. Not only does Jackson give his thanks, but also, “ARL is grateful to this anonymous mail carrier and their incredible act of compassion and kindness to not only look after Jackson but to make sure he didn’t have to spend another winter on the tough streets of Boston.”

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