Mews and Nips: Photographer Captures Incredible Photos of Bobcats

Good To Know

Capturing a purrfect photo takes skill, patience, and sometimes, just plain luck. When photographer Mike Mayou flew his drone over the St. Louis River in Minnesota, he managed to capture this once-in-a-lifetime image. For more stunning photos and video of the three cats, visit

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, I offered a resource on how to deal with the “messy middle” of the pandemic, on Monday, I shared information about feline depression, on Tuesday, we featured adorable Valentine cat ornaments, on Wednesday, I told you about an upcoming virtual cat conference, on Thursday, I showed you a super cute cat wallet, and on Friday, I reviewed No Matter What: Caring for Critters Through Hell or High Water.

Watching Sarper Duman play piano for his cats always makes me happy. Today’s video shows Fevzi enjoying a little lullaby – so sweet!

Have a great weekend!

Photo via Mayou

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