Love and Above Cat Club: Self Care for Cat Lovers

Good To Know


“Love yourself like you love your cat.”

I have something a little different for you this Sunday. I’d like to introduce you to a new website, Love and Above Cat Club, created by my dear friend Siena Lee-Tajiri. Siena has an impressive background. She holds a Masters Degree in Holistic Health, certification in many holistic therapies, and she has been working with Jackson Galaxy since 2009. In fact, she was Jackson’s first employee! She is a musician, and, of course, a huge cat lover.


The Love and Above Cat Club was inspired by Siena’s heart cat Cumin, who was with her for 19 years. Siena now shares her home with her partner in life, love and music, Toast, and their cat Bear.

Toast, Siena and Bear

About the Love and Above Cat Club

“Some of us are lucky enough to be deeply moved by the love of cats,” writes Siena on her website. “It’s a love that goes above and beyond. However, many of us need a little bit of help loving ourselves the same way we love our cats.” And that’s the focus of her site: self-care for cat lovers.

I fell in love with the site at first glance, and the more I delved into it, the more I loved it. From the beautiful design to the beautiful message, the Love and Above Cat Club’s mission resonates deeply with me.

Love and Above Cat Club is for anyone who

  • Tends to take on too much and often feel overwhelmed.
  • Finds it challenging to express our needs and wants and tend to put others’ needs above our own.
  • Struggles with self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love despite reading books and taking workshops.
  • Looks for support on our journey of self-love, self-worth, expansiveness, freedom and authenticity.
  • and of course, for anyone who loves cats!

I encourage you to visit the Love and Above Cat Club, sign up for their mailing list, and browse their shop.


Coming next Sunday: our new Sunday Cat Love and Above column

I’m excited to announce that starting next Sunday, and one Sunday each month going forward, Siena will contribute a column to The Conscious Cat. I feel that the work she’s doing is a purrfect fit for our Sunday theme of coping with life beyond caring for our cats. You’ll continue to get Sunday Quotes and my own mewsings on the remaining Sundays.

Please visit Love and Above Cat Club and enjoy browsing!

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