Smitten With Foster Kittens

Good To Know

Well, I went and did it again. I agreed to take in another “challenging” batch of foster kittens — four 3-month-old brothers who were born in a community cat colony, then were trapped, given veterinary care and turned over to a rescue. When they came to us, they spent the first week hiding and running from us. With a lot of playtime, love and encouragement, two of them have really turned around and are ready to find their forever homes, but the other two are still shy and scared. We’ll keep working with them until they’ve turned into little lap-warmers.

If you’ve been thinking about fostering kittens for your local shelter or rescue, in this issue we’ve got expert advice about socializing and everything else you’ll need to know. It can be a tough “job,” but I guarantee you it will be rewarding.

Another important part of fostering is mealtime. Yummy, quality food will help them get to a healthy weight, but it can also be a great bonding experience. Kittens love to eat, and if they know all that glorious food is coming from you, you’ll be their hero!

One thing I do is to make sure to feed kittens what they were eating before they came to me to avoid any tummy troubles that can come with a change in diet. And whether your cat is a kitten, adult or senior, there will come a time when you need to start feeding them something else — everything from regular adult food to special, medical diets.

We’ve got some great tips for transitioning your cat to a new diet, plus healthy diet tips for every life stage.

And, as always, we’ve got lots of fun cat content and adorable feline photos. Enjoy!

PAIN AND PANIC: Mixed breeds, 4 months old
— Rosemarie Rembao Ledesma

KAYLA: Mixed breed, 15+ years old
— Lori Wendin

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