Happy Birthday to My Mom

Good To Know


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Today is Mom’s birthday, and I’m surprising her with flowers and a special present!

Mom feels so much happier to me this year than she did this time last year and that makes me happy, too. Last year, we were on something called a lockdown. I didn’t mind it, because it meant Mom was home all the time, but I know she missed being able to celebrate her birthday with her friends. This year, she’s all excited because she got something called a vaccine, and that means she can safely get together with her friends again.

On a side note, I’m not sure why she’s so excited about this vaccine. I’ve had vaccines before, and trust me, it’s not something I get excited about!

Anyway, I know Mom is looking forward to celebrating with her friends. I’m going to purr and sit on her lap and make sure this will be her best birthday ever.

Please help me make my Mom’s birthday a good one by wishing her Happy Birthday!

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