Kitten Found Alone in Driveway Has Strong Personality and Turns into Beautiful Fluffy Cat


A kitten who was found in a driveway all alone, showed fighting spirit and blossomed into a fluffy young cat.

black kitten, bottle kitten

Yeti the kittenDannielle @centralflfosters

About two months ago, Dannielle, a fosterer based in central Florida, was contacted about a kitten discovered in someone’s driveway. “(The residents) were headed to the grocery store when they heard the kitten crying,” Dannielle shared with Love Meow.

The tiny singleton was “found covered in ants inside a turned-over cooler” on the ground. She was meowing for her mother who was nowhere to be found.

The kitten whose eyes hadn’t opened, was in need of critical care. Dannielle rushed to pick her up and brought her home. “Despite her situation, she was in good spirits.”

Yeti the kitten found in a drivewayDannielle @centralflfosters

The pint-sized wonder was estimated to be 5-6 days old, weighing just 104 grams (about the size of a newborn). She had to be syringe-fed around the clock and placed in an incubator to help regulate her body temperature.

With painstaking care and plenty of TLC, the kitten perked up and started eating like a champ. “She was a great latcher from the start. I knew as long as we got her rehydrated and safe, she’d be great,” Dannielle told Love Meow.

syringe feeding, tiny kitten

Dannielle @centralflfosters

The kitten was then named Yeti, and she had a lot of growing to do. As soon as she got some strength back in her tiny body, she became very feisty and was determined to grow. She would eat to her heart’s content at every feeding and wear the cutest milk-stache with pride.

Dannielle gave her a snuggle faux mama and a teddy bear to keep her company, so she wouldn’t feel alone. After getting her belly filled to the brim, Yeti would conk out on her cozy, warm bed and snuggle away.

kitten milkstache

Yeti and her milkstacheDannielle @centralflfosters

The sweet kitten wiggled her ears while she downed a full bottle of kitten formula. She enjoyed being doted on and cared for by her foster mom.

Once she was ready to meet other foster kittens, Yeti was excited to have some feline friends to wrestle with.

Her personality quickly emerged as she discovered all the fun things around her.

Dannielle @centralflfosters

Over the next few weeks, the kitten grew in weight and fluff. She turned out to be a long-haired panther kitty with adorable ear tufts and plenty of fuzz sprinkled all over her coat.

She developed a penchant for snuggles and would crawl onto her human’s lap for an extended one-on-one cuddle session.

fluffy kitten

She grew in size and floofDannielle @centralflfosters

The palm-sized kitten has blossomed into quite the character who is full of sass and attitude.

“She has such a strong personality. She is super spunky, and has her zoomie moment, but she is also such a lover, always wanting cuddles,” Dannielle told Love Meow. “This Yeti is truly living up to her name.”

fluffy kitten, yeti the kitten

So fluffyDannielle @centralflfosters

Whenever Yeti gets a chance, she doesn’t hesitate to seize Dannielle’s office chair. She will hog it until she gets all the attention and pets from her foster mom.

“Projects can wait. The pets cannot.”

Dannielle @centralflfosters

Yeti plays hard and naps even harder. When she is not running around, creating antics, she is likely snoozing in her comfy beds, dreaming about treats.

Dannielle @centralflfosters

The kitten has come a long way since the day she was found in the driveway. She’s turned into a gorgeous young cat with a wonderful future ahead of her.

shark bed, kitten bed

Dannielle @centralflfosters

Share this story with your friends. Follow Yeti and Danielle’s fosters on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kitten that Hops Like a Bunny, Turns into the Happiest Cat with Endearing Personality

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