Guest Star Cat: Lili & Friends

Good To Know

Hi everyone,

The following submission comes from Judith S.-B.

Lili is a tuxedo who was the second litter from a feral mama. Four months before she came to us, I trapped her mama and another one of her kittens who was a year old at the time, and had them spayed.

They were both quite feral and being that I have a very territorial cat (Cacou, the yawning cat) I decided to keep them as outdoor kitties. However, little did I know she had had a litter just before we spayed her, so four months later I received a phone call from the local animal control that they found mama with a four month old kitten.

I quickly brought them into my home and kept them in my basement for two months, going down daily to play with Lili and try to socialize both of them.  Mama never got acclimated to being indoors, and I finally let her out after a few months. She now shows up for kibbles here and there, depending on her other catches of the day and Lili runs to the door to say hi.

Cacou came to us as a three month old, after quickly climbing up my husband’s leg in the barn looking for a home.

Luvbug is 14, and we adopted her recently along with her sister Beauty after a family member had to move. Lili loves watching bird videos and is the youngest of the four; Cacou is the top cat; Luvbug is a Velcro cat and must be attached 24/7, and Beauty, her sister, is my husband’s daily lunch buddy and lap cat while he is working from home.

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