Winning the Endless Battle with Pet Hair

Good To Know

When it comes to pets, sometimes the fluffier, the better. A super fluffy pet looks cute and cuddly, but as any pet owner will tell you, it comes at a price. Pet hair can be difficult to keep on top of in your home, and it gets EVERYWHERE.

But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way! It is possible to keep on top of pet hair to keep your home looking clean.

Here are some tips to help you win the battle with pet hair in your home.

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Groom your pet regularly

One of the most effective ways of keeping pet hair at bay is to groom them regularly. It can seem like a chore, but grooming your pet can help limit the amount of hair that ends up everywhere else. Groom your pet regularly with the appropriate brush or tool, and you could also take them to the groomers to help get rid of excess hair and treat them to some pampering too.

Stay on top of your floors

Shedding pet hair is one of the worst pet habits according to pet owners, and your floors are one of the places where you’re most likely to spot pet hair. Daily vacuuming can be one way to keep on top of pet hair, helping to keep your floors wonderfully clean. You’ll also want to use a mop for hard floors and a carpet refresher to keep odours at bay. By maintaining your floors daily, it’ll be difficult for pet hair to build up and stick to clothes and your surfaces.

Keep lint rollers to hand

There’s nothing worse than getting dressed and then finding your outfit is covered in pet hair. But have no fear – a lint roller will be your best friend in these situations. Lint rollers are easily available, but if you’ve run out, you can always wrap some tape around your hands and pat your clothing down.

Enjoy hair-free sofas and beds

Even homes with a ‘no pets on the beds and sofas rule’ can find themselves battling pet hair on the furniture. You’ll need to clean your beds and sofas regularly to rid them of any unwanted hair. Some of the ways you can remove pet hair from your furniture include running a rubber glove over your furniture to catch excess hair, and using a dusting sprat for any wooden furniture that you have. You may find it’s a case of trial and error to find the most effective hair removal method for your home.

Dealing with pet hair is one of the sacrifices you make when you bring a pet home, but it doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. By keeping on top of your pet’s grooming routine and cleaning your home regularly, including some daily tasks, you can keep your home as hair-free as possible. Alternatively, research the breed you’re getting to see how much they shed – some breeds shed less than others and therefore could be a good choice if you’re concerned about pet hair in your home.


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