Shelter dog Sketch has time of his life after 8 months in kennel – Please help find his forever home

Veterinary medicine news
This is Sketch. He’s a 4 year old Great Dane X. He’s been living in the shelter for 8 months now and has been unable to find his loving forever home.

Sadly the shelter he is at is closing down and he desperately needs a home more than ever.

Since our farm dog day care has been closed due to COVID lockdown, we wanted to give Sketch the best farm day of his life whilst also trying to find that special home he so deserves.

This video is Sketch’s day at the farm today. He did everything we usually do on a farm day with our day care doggies. He played in the playground, walked through the bush land sniffing under every leaf, ran through the big paddock, raced the quad bike, chased the lure, swam in the heated pool, ate chicken cake and had a warm hydrobath and blow dry. AND got a squillion cuddles!

He’s a truly beautiful boy. Sure he’s got some issues. He’s been in a kennel for 8 months, who
wouldn’t?! He hasn’t had the chance to socialise and understand doggy etiquette. He has no idea the language of dog and dogs don’t like him because of it. He has no manners because he’s had no training. But what he lacks in areas where humans have let him down, he makes up for it in truck loads of love and affection!

He gave Luke nothing but love today. He’s stubborn, seriously strong and needs someone who will give him REAL guidance for once in his life. But in return, this guy would give you his whole world.

PLEASE if you are interested in Sketch or think you know someone who could be, get in contact with the shelter (I will link all details below).

PLEASE share this video of Sketch. Together we believe we can find him the home he needs. The home that he so very much deserves.

We are offering, free of charge, our training services to you, if you are the wonderful (and right) person that adopts Sketch. Luke is a qualified trainer who has had years of experience training hundreds of dogs just like Sketch, and much much worse, who have issues that have put them in this same position of not having any chances left.

Thank you for watching this video. Now let’s share the heck out of this video and find Sketch his home for life.

Thank you everyone ?

This is the write up about Sketch from the shelter he has been that is closing down:

As of tonight, he has been moved to another shelter in Wagga:

P.S We didn’t know he was being moved until we dropped him back. He is not local to us now, but we still stand by the training offer here at the farm when lockdown is over but also any training advice immediately needed over the phone or video calls etc.

P.P.S To answer people’s questions in regards to why we are not taking Sketch in. It’s a very understandable question, please try to understand our position. We would LOVE to give Sketch this opportunity. But unfortunately the farm isn’t set up for a dog like Sketch. We need a facility. It absolutely would be a dream of ours. But the current reality is that he cannot be freely around all dogs and we are a free range dog day care. We’d need to build something special for Sketch and dogs like him to enjoy life on the farm. Hope you all understand, and how much this breaks our heart to do this for these dogs this week and have to drive them back ❤️❤️

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