Shelter dogs update after 1 week at the farm

Veterinary medicine news
Today marked 1 week since the shelter dogs moved to the farm and started their training and socialisation program; ‘Get Adopted’ ?

They’ve worked extremely hard to get to this point and we could not be prouder of their achievements.

From where they started, to where they are now is a journey they made together, memories we hope they take with them.

Today they showed off their new skills around food. Food aggression was one of the issues they all shared. Now they are able to eat together with no issues.

Just remember these dogs were highly aggressive towards each other. They couldn’t be together full stop. Now they’re not only tolerating each other, they’re enjoying their time together.

Today they mastered their duration drops with food as their distraction. All dogs were untethered and passed with flying colours.

Tomorrow Rogan meets his potential new mum and Bobby has several applications submitted for him; hooray!

These dogs are now ready to be adopted. We have one more week before day care returns so we will be using the time to take their training to an even higher level. They’re going to be farm dog training stars. Luke and Jason have already commented on their performance and how they’re exceeding the levels of training in some of the dogs we see through the farm. This is a big call guys, but you know what? These dogs deserve it, they’ve put in so much to get here. And we’re so proud, and they truly know it too.

We’ve had a few people donate for the shelter dogs’ food, in particular for some delicious roast chicken. Thank you so much to these very special people. Today the shelter dogs celebrated with roast chicken from Red Rooster, fresh meaty bones and yummy nutrient rich The Butcher’s Dog meals. They’re being spoilt, and so they should be.

Lucy got her own big bowl of roast chicken for lunch. She’s absolutely loving her stay here at the farm. Lucy wants for nothing. She eats as much as her heart desires. She has Uncle Luke sleep with her and the pups through the night, checking on them on the hour. Even on her wee breaks, she has two little girls eagerly waiting to mind the pups while she takes some Lucy time. Lucy is loving farm life.

Her three little pups are doing so well. They’ve actually doubled in size from when they were born at just 1 week old today.

Thank you again to everyone for your support and positive encouragement through this journey, we’ve enjoyed reading all of your comments, messages and emails. Thank you.

If you’re interested in adopting any of these dogs please click the link below. Please note, these are their old original shelter profiles, not their current assessment status:

If you’d like to learn our training here is the link to our Farm Dog Training Academy:

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