Oliver & Nubia’ Blasts From the Past: The Disturber of Peace

Good To Know

Hi friends!

Oliver here! So I tried to sleep in peace the other day on the scratch tree… but my sister kept being noisy and waking me up. 🙁

This is of course why we call her the Disturber of Peace at times *sigh*


Oliver: Time for a nap

*earth quake wobble*

Oliver: Nubsey!!!! Stop moving


Nubia: What??? I am just trying to practice my latest dance steps!

Oliver: Not UP there… I am trying to sleep…

Nubia: Ok!


Oliver: What is that noise… It sounds like someone is trying to wake the dead o.O


Nubia: *MeeeoOooeooowwwwweeee* lalalala

Oliver: Argh! It is you again!!!! I am trying to sleep down here!!! Please be quiet…

Nubia: Ugh… ok!


Oliver: So tired…. Time to nap…


Oliver: zZZZzzz…


Nubia: Right time for another dance lesson!

Oliver: Not again!!! *sigh*

Signed by


His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief



Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber of Peace


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