Mews and Nips: Can Cats See Ghosts?

Good To Know


If you’ve ever watched your cat starting at something that doesn’t seem to be there, you might have wondered whether cats see things that we can’t. We know cats’ senses are more developed than humans’, so perhaps it’s not such a stretch to ask this question. Just in time for Halloween, Jackson Galaxy talked to Yahoo!Life about this topic. “”If you believe in the spirit world, as I do, then it’s much easier to take the leap that your cats are experiencing something in a realm that’s beyond the physical, rather than just staring at a blank spot on a wall,” he says. For more about what Jackson had to say, visit

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, we covered the best to worst cat foods, on Tuesday, we introduced you to an app that monitors your cat’s mood, on Wednesday, we featured a program that brings cats to assisted living facilities, and on Friday, I shared a Ruby memory. And don’t forget to enter our giveaway to win an Assisi Loop!

In keeping with your theme, enjoy today’s video of a kitty watching a scary movie!

Have a great weekend!

Photo Pixabay stock photo

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