Mews and Nips: Keep Your Cats Safe on Halloween

Good To Know


I’m pretty sure that if cats had anything to say about it, they’d get rid of Halloween. From a cat’s perspective, there’s not much to love about a holiday when strangers come knocking at your door, your humans dress up in weird outfits and scary looking masks, and some  humans even try to put you in costumes. It’s up to us humans to reduce the stress of this holiday for feline family members and keep them safe so everyone can have a happy Halloween. Read our tips to keep your cats safe this weekend.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, Dr. Lynn Bahr answered reader questions, on Tuesday, we reviewed the newest Okaysou Air Purifier, on Wednesday, Allegra shared her squirrel watching adventures, on Thursday, we featured gorgeous kitty ears ornaments and keychains from Volana Kote, and on Friday, we announced the 1TDC Halloween sale.

Today’s video features two music loving kitties – enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Image Pixabay stock photo

1 Comment on Mews and Nips: Keep Your Cats Safe on Halloween

  1. We don’t celebrate Halloween at my house anymore. We don’t get kids coming by for candy and my husband and I don’t go out to parties anymore. It’s just a quiet night at home for us. But I do remember my cats getting scared when people would come to the door all the time. Years ago, I had a dog that got spooked and actually bit me when kids came by later than usual and I was trying to give those kids candy.

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