Youths Threaten to ‘Burn’ Terrified Kitten at Hendre Lake

Good To Know

A dog walker stepped in to rescue the black and white male kitten after hearing ‘distressed noises’ coming from a bag

A kitten is recovering from a terrifying ordeal after a member of the public said she saw three boys threatening to ‘burn’ him at Hendre Lake in St Mellons.

The woman was walking her dog around the lake – a popular site for birdwatching and fishing – when she said she heard a loud meowing noise coming from behind some bushes.

When she went to investigate she found three boys, thought to be aged around 12 or 13, holding a black bin liner and discussing “burning the cat” they had trapped inside. The woman quickly intervened and threatened to call the police and the boys ran off.

Inside the tied up bag, she found a distressed black and white kitten – thought to be aged around seven to eight-months-old – huddled up inside.

The woman was able to take the kitten home temporarily, before he was collected by RSPCA inspector Simon Evans and taken to be checked over. Thankfully uninjured, the kitten is now being boarded by the RSPCA at a private establishment.

Sadly he was not microchipped, and the charity will look to rehome him at one of their centres if an owner does not come forward.

RSPCA Cymru is appealing for information about the incident, which happened between 4 and 5pm on Thursday 14 October.

Inspector Evans said: “This sort of incident beggars belief, and we are extremely grateful that this kind-hearted member of the public intervened when she did. Although understandably nervous at first after his ordeal, the kitten is now doing well. He’s had a thorough check over, including some flea and worm treatment, and is now safe and enjoying lots of TLC.

“As well as appealing for information about this appalling incident, someone could be missing their cat as the lake is very close to residential areas. If this is you, please get in touch with the RSPCA.”

Anyone with information about the incident should contact the RSPCA’s inspectorate appeal line on 0300 123 8018.

To help the RSPCA continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals in desperate need of care please visit THEIR website or call our donation line on 0300 123 8181.


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