The Rescue Puppies Have Arrived at the Farm

Veterinary medicine news
We will be continuing to work with the rescue organisation that we helped during lockdown. Central Coast Animal Care Facility. The facility that lost it’s premises during lockdown and where the shelter dogs came from like Freddo, YoYo, Conrad, Lucy, the puppies etc.

Dee from Central Coast Animal Care Facility is an extraordinary woman who saves so many animals, often putting her own health and life on the line to do so.

We’re talking real life and death rescue situations where dogs are going to be culled if Dee doesn’t save them. She drives miles to properties to negotiate with owners to save as many as they will allow her to.

Dee recently was in hospital for the umpteenth time, and was organising rescues from her hospital bed. Not everyone can relate to Dee, but that’s what makes her that very special unique person that animals in need rely on.

We want to help Dee anyway we are able to. We can’t take on any case because we run a free range dog day care. But we’re committed to help Dee where we can. Puppies are where we can help right now. By training, socialising and housing and feeding them until they’re ready for adoption.

Dee saves about 150 puppies a year. But many mature dogs are surrendered as a more mature puppy (6-12 months old) because they simply haven’t been trained or socialised. The issues that all the shelter dogs had were a result of this.

We can give all the puppies Dee saves the best chance of not re-entering the system by training and socialising them early.

This litter is just 5 (one more is on the way we are told) of, I believe a total of 13 puppies. The mum was struggling. Dee was able to save 6 and have the parent dogs desexed and vaccinated as well have all the puppies eventually desexed and vaccinated also. For those concerned, the other puppies are living but had to stay with mum. We cannot disclose all details of the case publicly we hope you understand. Just know that these puppies need our help and it has made it easier on the remaining pups to survive with mum.

These puppies have been in Dee’s care since about 2 weeks old. They are now 6.5 weeks old. They were supposed to arrive 2 weeks ago but several of the farm doggies at day care have had kennel cough (even though vaccinated). To be safe we’ve delayed their arrival until now. They’re here for socialisation but that’ll be with the family pack and our holiday sleepover pack when we close for the holidays.

These pups will all be up for adoption. We won’t be handling the adoption this time, it will be entirely through Dee and Central Coast Animal Care Facility. So when they’re up for adoption, Dee will let everyone know. Please follow their page for updates.

We will be posting their progress here. Their time socialising with our dogs and family. Being exposed to lots of different animals, scenarios, people etc. Training will be in our Training Academy.

The pups are Great Dane X Bull Mastiff, so they’re going to be big. But boy are they beautiful inside and out.

We’re excited to share with you their journey over the next 5 or 6 weeks here as they learn lots of new things and get ready for their new families.

Central Coast Animal Care Facility Facebook Page:

P.S This is not Dee in the video, this is Jill who volunteers for Dee as her photographer and today, to transport the puppies. Thank you so much Jill.

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