Mews and Nips: “Talking” Cat Gives Scientists Insight Into How Cats Think

Good To Know

A 13-year-old cat in Florida has a vocabulary of about 50 words, using an augmentative alternative communication (ACC) device. These devices have previously been used by dogs, but Billi appears to be the first cat using an ACC device. The creator of the device was skeptical about cats using the buttons, but is now intrigued by the way cats are using the device differently from dogs. For more about Billi and her skills, visit

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, I reflected on setting intentions for the New Year, on Monday, I offered tips on how to make this a healthy year for your cats, on Tuesday, I shared a beautiful tortoiseshell cat journal, on Wednesday, Allegra talked about snowflakes, on Thursday, I explained how to care for your cat’s ears, and on Friday, I reviewed The Cat with Twenty Toes.

The kitty in today’s video is having the best time playing with some snow her human brought inside – enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Image Pixabay stock photo

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