Mews and Nips: Cats Take Vitamix Blender Hostage

Good To Know

On Black Friday, Jessica and Nikii Gerson-Neeves splurged on a Vitamix blender. It arrived at their home on Vancouver Island, BC on December 16. The couple was looking forward to a winter of soups and smoothies, but their three cats had different ideas. They have refused to leave the box, fighting over who gets to perch upon it and taking turns standing guard while the others eat or are busy elsewhere. The blender remains inside. The couple have tried other boxes, treats, and toys to distract the cats, but they keep coming back to the Vitamix box. It shouldn’t suprise anyone reading this that the two women haven’t had the heart to remove the box! For more about this hilarious story and photos of the three cats and their Vitamix, visit the Washington Post.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, we explained on how to determine how much to feed your cat, on Tuesday, we featured the K&H Heated Cat Bed, on Wednesday, we paid tribute to a very special cat, and on Friday, we remembered one of Ruby and Allegra’s spirited conversations.And don’t forget to enter our giveaway to win a colorful cat beanie from Triple T Studios.

Today’s video is sure to make you go “awww” – enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash 

2 Comments on Mews and Nips: Cats Take Vitamix Blender Hostage

  1. I know how delicious Vitamix smoothies are – so I don’t blame these wise felines one bit! My own two sweeties, however, don’t care for the fuss and bother of ordering the ingredients, putting them in the fridge or freezer, getting them out, dropping them into the container, and, really now….waiting for the smoothie? They have other fish to fry, toys to toss around, spaces to explore, windows to look through. Why waste time with such complicated concoctions, when Mom has more than a dozen flavors/textures in her cabinet, snacks in the snack jar, and our nightly broth in the packets on the shelf? We’re all set, thanks.

  2. I saw this on the news. How funny.

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