From afraid of the water to diving off the dock – Freddo the Rescue Rottweiler

Veterinary medicine news
For us all here at the farm who believed in this guy, those that have cheered him on and those that have learnt to really love him … today marked a special day for Freddo the rescued Rottweiler.

It has been exactly 5 months to the day since he first came to the farm. September 1st when we all first met him.

That first day he went for a swim in the pool afraid of the water and looking for an exit with every stroke.

Likely the first time he’d ever swam given the fact he’d already been surrendered 3 times and spent a good chunk of his life in a pound or shelter.

2.5 months of training and still he had no applications. So we adopted him and he quickly began to show interest in swimming after joining the day care pack. Talk about a little help from your friends, fast forward to Friday gone and Freddo is practically a fish, we struggle to get him out of the water. And today, well, he jumped off the dock.

A massive personal achievement for Freddo. His developing love for water over the last couple of months from fear to his most favourite thing to do, is nothing short of inspirational.

We’re super proud of him and more than anything, we’re really happy for Freddo to have found such a love in life, no matter how late in life it is. He just proves it’s never too late to try something new and learn something totally outside your comfort zone.

Swimming isn’t the only thing this guy has committed to learning and mastering. He had zero social skills. To be real, he had anti-social skills that had him in a physical tiff in most situations with other dogs. Now look at him in amongst a big excited pack enjoying every minute of it.

About to turn 7 this year, Freddo you deserve a well done for what you’ve achieved.


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