Mews and Nips: Scientists Uncover the Secret To Fishing Cats’ Hunting Success

Good To Know

Fishing cats are native to South and Southeast Asia. Unlike many cat species, fishing cats readily swim. Their front toes are partially webbed, and their claws protrude slightly even when retracted, an adaptation for fishing. To date ,very little was known about these mysterious cats’ behavior. A recently published study took a closer look at the hunting behavior of these elusive felines. For more about these fascinating cats, visit Science News.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, we told you what you need to know about heart murmurs, on Tuesday, we reviewed the new Petlibro Rainbow ceramic fountain, on Wednesday, we talked about training cats, on Thursday, we featured adorable cat earrings, and on Friday, I shared a Ruby memory.

Today’s video is sure to make you go “awww” – enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Photo by Frida Lanenrström on Unsplash 

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1 Comment on Mews and Nips: Scientists Uncover the Secret To Fishing Cats’ Hunting Success

  1. Never heard of fishing cats. I saw a video on fb of a cat that was adopted. He loves to swim and surf. Lives in Hawaii.

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