Remembering Ruby: Ruby and Allegra’s Morning Routine

Good To Know

It’s hard to believe Ruby has been gone more than two years after being diagnosed with advanced kidney disease. Some days I still miss my little girl so much, it feels like she just left me yesterday. I’m grateful I have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections on this site to comfort me and remind me of some of the cute things she did when the pain hits, and I love sharing the memories with you.

I loved imagining and writing the spirited conversations between Ruby and Allegra, so I thought I’d share some of them as I remember my little girl.

Today’s memory takes us back to July 2016, when the girls shared their morning routine. I was surprised, reading through it, how man of the little details have already gotten fuzzy in my mind.

Read Allegra and Ruby’s Morning Routine for the full conversation.

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