Flying-fox attacked by a dog, assessment and care: this is Bang Bang

Veterinary medicine news
Bang Bang is a Grey-Headed Flying-Fox who was brought to me for assessment by a new rescuer after he was attacked by a dog in a backyard. The MOP (member of public) boxed him without getting bitten and separated him and their dog, and Rae picked him up.
Bang Bang was a lucky boy in that he didn’t get crunched, but he does appear to have an injury on his right elbow which required an xray, but you’ll have to wait for more details in later parts of the story when uploaded.

Bang Bang was understandably a cranky boy, given his day of horrible; Rae and I really needed to look at his elbow to see if there was a fracture or a need for quick euthanasia, but I couldn’t seen anything terrible when I finally got him cooperative enough for a good look.
Stay tuned for the other parts of this story in later episodes, but it’s about 2-3 weeks since rescue now and he’s doing really well.

Bang Bang was named for his location, the suburb of Bangor

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