Mews and Nips: Woman Married Her Cat To Get Around Landlord’s Pet Restrictions

Good To Know

A London woman recently married her cat in hopes of avoiding rental restrictions which forced her to rehome three previous pets due to landlords who rejected pets. She is facing eviction again despite previous permission from her landlord to have a cat. Anticipating yet another move, the pair got married preemptively so they could stay together regardless of any lease stipulations. “By marrying India, I need any future landlords to know that we come as a package and we cannot be separated under any circumstances as she is as important to me as my children,” Deborah Hodge told LADBible. For more about this story and wonderful photos from the wedding ceremony, visit LADBible.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, we offered tips on how to keep your cat from waking you up, on Tuesday, we featured colorful cat wallets, on Wednesday, I shared the story of Amber, who inspired this website, and on Friday, I reviewed Cats Work Like This. And don’t forget to enter our giveaway to win food and treats from Raw Paws for your cats and your favorite rescue!

Today’s video is something a little different: a time lapse from kitten to cat – enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Photo Pixabay stock image

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