Wake Up the Doggy Bus is Here

Veterinary medicine news
The golden sunlight on these winter mornings has the pack sleeping in a little later each day. Don’t wake me until the doggy bus here.

But when it’s here, everyone is excited and out of bed and down the driveway to greet the bus.

Everyone says hello to each other. Catching up. Lily always finds an appropriate stick to celebrate their arrival.

Frankie the Pointer pup kicks into zoomie gear.

Miss Violet doesn’t stop running these days from one dog to the next handing out licks right left and centre.

Shadow does her high barks of happiness.

It’s the start of another great day.

Adam lets us know that Koda, Bella and Buddy’s owners have brought prawns for us all for lunch to celebrate Adam’s birthday earlier in the week. Thank you so very much 💛

Lure starts and Aunty Sam let’s put another genuine gasp at the athleticism of Matilda the German Shepherd puppy. Her dive roles for the lure are really something!

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