Pint-sized Picasso Kitten is So Happy to Receive the Care He Needs to Thrive


A pint-sized kitten with a unique face is so happy to find the help he needs to thrive.

Friends for Life Rescue Network

In mid June, an animal rescuer from Los Angeles was contacted about a kitten needing help. The tiny feline was three months old but only the size of a 5-6 week-old kitten. He had a mild upper respiratory infection, an umbilical hernia, and his nose and mouth were misaligned, giving him a Picasso-like face.

Friends for Life Rescue Network learned about his plight and immediately offered to take him. The kitten was born with a congenital defect that caused the misalignment of his jaw.

He came to the rescue dehydrated, malnourished, and covered in fleas. The little one was just skin and bones and very sleepy. “He was extremely hungry and scarfed down two cans of food which was a ton for his little body,” Jacqueline DeAmor, founder of Friends for Life Rescue Network, told Love Meow.

Friends for Life Rescue Network

After getting all cleaned up and cared for, he fell asleep in his comfy new bed with a full belly. After a long ordeal, the little kitten took a long nap as his body began to heal.

With plenty of nutritious food, quality rest, and proper care, the kitty named Pinocchio perked up and started to walk around. As soon as he felt better, he was up on his paws, wanting attention and pets. He quickly turned into a love-bug.

Friends for Life Rescue Network

Whenever Pinocchio spots his caregivers in the room, he beckons for their attention with his paws and tries to speak in his cute silent meows. Once he gets some ear scratches, he switches on his purr motor and rolls on his back, trying to get his belly rubbed.

“He’s so excited when I walk in the room and loves to play,” Jacqueline shared with Love Meow. “He is rambunctious, curious, playful, and very sweet. He loves to run around and chase jingly balls.”

Friends for Life Rescue Network

The tiny ball of energy continues to make strides every day. He is very active and wants to play with anything that moves. His larger-than-life personality is shining through.

The kitten will be seen by a dental specialist and a neurological specialist this week to ensure he gets all the medical care he needs. The brave little guy loves being around people and doesn’t mind vet visits.

Friends for Life Rescue Network

Now that the kitten has got his energy back in full swing, he is constantly playing and loving all his new toys.

“This little goober is as playful as can be. He is gaining good weight and eating all his food like a champ. Things are looking up for Pinocchio,” Jacqueline shared with Love Meow.

Friends for Life Rescue Network

Watch little Pinocchio the kitten in this cute video:

Pinocchio the kitten

The sweet kitten will beg for attention whenever someone walks by. He will reach out with his paw and signal that it is time for some pets and snuggles.

The little mischief-maker insists on being the center of attention any time he gets a chance.

Friends for Life Rescue Network

The Picasso kitty doesn’t know he is any different. He lives everyday to the fullest and has a team of people to help him get in tip-top shape.

Friends for Life Rescue Network

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the kitten and Friends for Life Rescue Network on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Tiny Kitten So Happy to Have Shoulder to Sit on After He Was Rescued

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