Smart Capybara Family Figures Out How To Use The Crosswalk

Other Animals

Capybaras, the world’s largest rodents, are also among the cutest and chillest animals on the planet. But now there’s one more positive to add to that list.

Apparently, they’re perfect pedestrians, too.

Earlier this month, passersby in Cuiabá, Brazil, happened upon a curious and adorable scene. A large group of capybaras, big and small, were gathered patiently near a crosswalk along a busy three-lane road.

But what were they doing there? Well, you’ll see.

Here’s that moment on video:

Turns out, the clever capybaras were waiting patiently for a break in traffic so the whole family could safely cross — evidently, having figured out the rules of road safety.

Great job!

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