Stray Kitten Finds Loving Family He Always Wanted After Life on the Street


A tabby kitten found the family he had been waiting for. He hasn’t stop cuddling since.

tabby kitten, cuddles, big eyes


Sherman the cat was found as a stray kitten scrounging for food. He was brought to Kitty City Kansas Rescue for a chance at a better life. Around that time, a couple who had previously adopted from the rescue, was looking for a companion for their cat Chance.

Chance was nine years old when his former owner passed away. Kitty City Kansas rescued him from an uncertain fate, and after almost one year in foster care, he found his forever home with the loving couple.

“He hid for the first three months and was having a difficult time adjusting to our home. I asked his foster mom for advice, and she told me that Chance loves kittens,” the family told Love Meow.

Less than two weeks later, they got a text from the rescue about a sweet little tabby named Sherman.

cuddle, tabby kitten, purrito


“Sherman was found in the back of an abandoned car, eating dry dog food. I said yes to adopting him without hesitation. My husband was more hesitant. But when we went to meet him the following weekend, it was a done deal.”

The little tabby with big, round eyes instantly had his humans smitten. He was a cuddle-bug from the start and was always on the lookout for something to munch on. Sherman went home with the couple and brought a few habits from the time he was a street cat, along with him.

big eyes, tabby kitten


For a while, the tabby boy would scavenge for food out of the trashcan whenever he got a chance. He outsmarted his humans when he figured out how to open the automatic lid. The tenacious kitty found every opportunity to sneak a snack from his parents’ dinner plates.

“We think it’s just scavenger behavior because of where he started out,” Sherman’s mom and dad shared with Love Meow.

kitten with big eyes, cute


The mischievous kitten quickly became Dad’s cuddle buddy. In just a few days after arrival, Sherman snuggled his way into his heart.

“Sherman sleeps next to his dad under the covers, 90% of the time. He loves sitting on dad’s shoulder while he plays guitar or sitting on his lap while he plays video games,” Sherman’s mom told Love Meow.

smile, hug, cuddle, cat, kitten


The tabby boy demands hugs every night before bedtime, and he won’t take no for an answer. “He has his ‘tough guy’ dad wrapped around his little finger.”

But out of everyone in the house, Sherman’s favorite is undoubtedly the resident Siamese, Chance.

cuddle, hug, tabby cat, kitten


When they first met, the older feline took the kitten under his wing and started to groom him. Chance immediately perked up and felt right at ease having a friend to love on. He started to relax and didn’t retreat back to his hiding spot any more.

“They bonded within the first day and have been inseparable since,” the family said.

siamese cat, cuddle, tabby kitten


The two best friends make a formidable pair — they thrive as long as they have each other. They plot new antics around the house and get into all sorts of mischief together every day.

“If they are ever separated on accident by a closed door, they both stand on either side of it crying until we figure out what’s going on.”

best friends, siamese cat, tabby kitten


They do everything as a team including cuddle-time with their humans. Chance is always close by guarding his little brother as Sherman snuggles away with Dad.

“Sherman is the best cuddler and loves to be held like a baby. He knows how to make his eyes huge like Puss in Boots and give the tiniest meow when he wants to beg for treats,” the family shared with Love Meow.

real men love cats, bedtime, cuddle


The persuasive tabby cat always manages to find a way to tug at his humans’ heartstrings.

Sherman is all grown up now at three years old, but some things never change.

cuddles, real men love cats, kitten


The sweet tabby cat adores his family and wears a cute little smile on his face every day.

“He has enriched our lives beyond words over the last three years.”

smile, happy cat, tabby


Share this story with your friends. Follow Sherman and his adventures on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Kitten Walks into Man’s Apartment and Decides to Stay and Change His Life

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