Stray Kitten Wandered to Home of a Kind Family and Kept Coming Back


A stray kitten wandered to a family’s porch for food one day, and she just kept coming back.

calico, stray cat, kitten

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

A young calico cat showed up in a neighborhood in Montreal, Canada a few weeks ago. A family spotted her outside scrounging for food one night. They left some kibbles on the porch for the hungry little feline. She devoured the food and returned the next day and the days after.

The family began asking around the neighborhood to see if anyone was missing a cat, but no one came forward to claim her. The sweet kitten came back every evening, patiently waiting outside, hoping for something to eat.

The kitten would sit by the door quietly until the family came out to feed her. She started to warm up to the people and became more comfortable around them.

They couldn’t bear seeing the little calico wander alone on the streets, fending for herself. One evening, they decided to bring her in their home so she could finally be safe.

stray cat, calico kitten, doorstep

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

They placed the cat in a quiet room that night so the calico could decompress and get some much-needed rest. After scarfing down a full bowl of cat food, the sweet kitty conked out in her new, comfy bed, making up for lost sleep.

The family sought help and reached out to their local animal rescue Chatons Orphelins Montréal, so the kitten could be seen by a vet and get the care she needed to thrive.

stray kitten, calico cat

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

“We took her to the vet and got her treated for some medical issues. She didn’t have a microchip so we named her Grenadine,” the rescue shared with Love Meow.

The calico was all cleaned up. She stayed at the veterinary clinic until she got a clean bill of health. “When we opened the kennel door, she walked right out and rolled on her back, begging for attention and pets,” the rescue said.

calico cat, cute

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Grenadine bid farewell to life on the streets and went home with Marielyne, a foster volunteer of the rescue. The calico kitten quickly came out of her shell and felt right at home at her new abode.

The sweet girl adores people and other cats. She likes to tag alongside them so she will never be alone again. She wants to know what others are doing constantly and likes to observe them as if she is their supervisor.

calico cat, cute kitten

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

“After a rough life on the street, she is getting more confident every day and starting to learn to have fun as an indoor cat,” the rescue said.

Watch Grenadine the calico kitty in this cute video:

Grenadine the cat

Grenadine has a wonderful personality that makes her the perfect companion. She can be very playful when she sees a wand toy.

“She is a very sweet-natured cat and enjoys napping and sunbathing by the window,” the rescue added. “She likes to be in the same room with her humans and does not tolerate closed doors.”

calico kitten, cute cat

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Grenadine the cat is looking for a loving family with a quiet home to spend her life with.

No more worries about food and shelter, this beautiful calico is loving her VIP life as an indoor cat. She can’t wait to find a place of her very own.

beautiful cat, calico

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Stray Kitten Comes Running from Bushes and So Happy to Find Help

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