Sweet Kitten Found in Backyard Has Her Life Turned Around by Kindness


A tiny kitten who was found outside all alone, got help just in the nick of time.

cute, kitten, kiss, toothless the cat

Ashley Kelley

Earlier this year, a Good Samaritan found a kitten in her backyard when she heard her little cries. The tiny ball of fur had been left behind by the cat mom who was nowhere to be found.

The hungry kitten was in desperate need of round-the-clock feedings and lots of TLC. The kind lady reached out to Ashley Kelley, a volunteer for Wrenn Rescues in Los Angeles, and asked if she could take her in. Ashley didn’t hesitate and immediately rushed to help.

After arriving home, she finally got to examine the kitten closely. That’s when she noticed something quite special about the little feline. To her surprise, the kitty had a butterfly-shaped nose along with an overbite.

cute, kitten, yawn, cleft nose

Ashley Kelley

Ashley switched to tube-feedings to ensure that the kitten could eat safely. After getting a full belly and being wiped down clean, the kitten nuzzled into a mountain of soft blankets and went right to sleep.

They named her Aela, and she was so content knowing she was in good hands. “She is grateful and strongly determined to survive. She has never once acted weak,” Ashley shared.

cute kitten, purrito

Ashley Kelley

The little fighter was very attached to her humans from the start. As soon as she figured out how to use her legs, she would waddle up to her foster family, meowing for attention and cuddles. “She has everyone wrapped around her toe beans. She usually gets what she wants.”

A few weeks later, they got an official diagnosis from the vet and a treatment plan for the little kitten. As it turns out, Aela has a deformed mouth which pushed her nasal cavities upward and apart. “(But) she has no idea anything is different about her.”

overbite, kitten, cute

Ashley Kelley

The little panther kitty has come a long way since she was found as a 90-gram newborn.

“She spends most of her day playing with things she finds all over the house, whether they are actual toys or things like balled up paper. She stays busy,” Ashley said.

cute kitten, overbite, panther kitty

Ashley Kelley

The little kitty is friendly to everyone she comes across, both human and furry kind. She has won over the resident cat Mulder, who has never been a fan of kittens.

“Aela didn’t take no for an answer and kept trying, and Mulder finally gave up and let her hang out with him. She will do just about anything to get his attention and approval.”

cute, cat, kitten, panther kitty

Ashley Kelley

“She is picking up on some funny quirks from our adult cats already and it’s fascinating watching her learn!”

Due to her overbite, the kitten will likely need to have her adult lower canine teeth removed in the near future to prevent damage to the roof of her palate. “Her teeth look different than most cats because her mouth curves upward, and her nose didn’t fully fuse together.”

cute, kitten, nose

Ashley Kelley

“Aela is 15 weeks, or three months old now. She almost always has time for a cuddle,” Ashley wrote. “As soon as someone calls to her, she comes running excitedly like, ‘oh there you are!'”

The sweet kitten is thriving in her foster home, lighting up every room she leaves her paw prints in.

toothless kitty, cute, kitten

Ashley Kelley

“This little kitty has changed our lives so much,” Ashley shared.

“Fostering is so rewarding, but even more so when it is someone who needs extra care. Aela is so loving in return.”

butterfly-shaped nose, cute kitten

Ashley Kelley

Share this story with your friends. Follow Aela and Ashley’s foster kitties on Instagram.

Related story: Cat Walks to Neighbor’s Home and Finds Kindness After His Own Family Left Him Behind

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