Mochi Kitty And Her Frogs Hop Toward World Domination…SOON

Good To Know

There’s no telling what toy might tickle a cat’s fancy, but once they’ve grown attached to a certain plaything, it’s usually a crack up to watch kitty dear with the object of their obsession.

For example, Mochi has grown so obsessed with a frog toy, she has now acquired a whole army of them to keep her entertained.

Her parents can’t explain why the grey cat has the frog obsession, but cat lovers are happy she does! Watching Mochi haul her frogs to-and-fro is too much fun. And when she slaps them into oblivion, you’ll toad-ally laugh your face off!



Frog Fun For A Feisty Feline

The frog fun started when Mochi and brother Choco’s parents went out of town, leaving some friends to catsit the kitty siblings. The friends brought cats toys from Ikea to appease the felines and the frog was originally meant to be a prize for Choco. But he didn’t seem so into it. Turns out, red balls of any kind are more his speed, “he’s pretty quirky too,” according to his parents.

Mochi, however, hopped all over the little green treasure. His parents explained, “Mochi first started playing fetch with it. She would bring it to our bed and then we would toss it down the stairs, and then she would bring it back to the bed.”


The frog fascination continued to grow. “One time we put it on a ledge in the apartment thinking she would play fetch with it but instead, she knocked it over. Then she kept knocking it over wherever we placed it.”

Knocking the toy over is a mild way of putting it. Mochi loves throwing a powerful paw thwap to a frog. All the better to watch it fly! And great for making us laugh…


Mochi’s parents knew the frog toy would be a furever favorite.



When the frog toy was discontinued, Mochi’s parents turned to eBay and found seven more.

To Mochi’s delight, Ikea brought the frog toy back and her humans ordered 100 frogs to be sure their good kitty never had to go without.

“We put about 50 of them in a big bin, and then Mochi started bringing trails of frogs to us every night. When she only had seven frogs, she would sometimes bring 3–4 to our bedroom, but now she sometimes brings up to 30 of them to our bed at night!”


And the nighttime video has captured silly Mochi placing her frogs here, there, and everywhere!

Follow Mochi Kitty on Instagram and never miss a moment of the frog fun. Plus, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on Mochi and her frog army. They may be preparing for world domination…SOON!


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Feature Image: @mochikittyfrog/Instagram

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