Sweet Kitten Cuddles Up to Cat and Won’t Let Go After Being Found Alone


An orphan tabby kitten cuddled right up to a cat in his foster home and wouldn’t let go.

Nashville Cat Rescue

A few months ago, a 2-year-old orange and white cat named Mia and her kittens were brought to Nashville Cat Rescue, an all-volunteer rescue in Tennessee, for a chance at a better life.

The little family was placed in foster care, so the doting cat mom could have a comfortable home to raise her babies. Mama Mia was completely devoted to her litter of five and catered to their every need.

While Mia’s own kittens were thriving, the foster mom came home with two little orphans who desperately needed some motherly love. Mia didn’t hesitate, and took them in as her own and started caring for them.

Nashville Cat Rescue

Over the next few weeks, Mia raised her expanded litter of seven with help from her loving foster family. The kittens blossomed into happy, rambunctious bundles of energy. When they were big enough to spread their wings and fly, one by one, they left their foster home for adoption.

Mia continued to wait for the right family to come her way. Suddenly, her room was quiet without the ruckus from the kittens. She became a bit lonely and just quietly sat by herself in her room most of the day.

The rescue couldn’t bear seeing Mia sad and alone and knew she could benefit from having some company.

cat, nursing cat, kittens

Nashville Cat Rescue

Around that time, Nashville Cat Rescue took in a tiny motherless kitten named Speck after he was rescued from a shelter. The ginger boy has a pair of unique looking eyes that don’t require any special care.

The sweet tabby was an instant love-bug. He insisted on being with a friend and refused to be alone after his time at the shelter.

Speck cried all the way to his foster home where Mia was awaiting him.

Nashville Cat Rescue

“He began purring as soon as he got out of the carrier and met Momma Mia. The two immediately loved each other, and Mia’s spirits have been high ever since. We couldn’t separate such a special pair,” Nashville Cat Rescue said.

The 3-month-old ginger cat quickly grew attached to his new mom. He wanted to cuddle and cling to her for as long as she’d allow him. The feeling was mutual for Mia, who happily kept her new baby company and showered him with licks and unconditional love.

Their connection was immediate as if these two were meant to be together.

cat, kitten, cuddles

Nashville Cat Rescue

Speck finds comfort in Mia’s adorable chirps and purrs. All he wants to do is to wrap his little paws around her and soak up the love. Mia is so thrilled to have a baby to care for again.

“Momma Mia and Speck are the sweetest mommy and adopted baby. Both have sweet personalities and are loving, calm kitties,” Nashville Cat Rescue added. “Momma can be quiet and watchful until she knows she’s safe. Speck loves everyone and especially loves to be held. Together they are a perfect little pair.”

Nashville Cat Rescue

Mia and Speck are looking for a forever home together, so they can continue their cuddle-fest in a place of their very own.

Speck is the happiest he’s ever been with a loving mother constantly by his side.

Nashville Cat Rescue

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Related story: Cat Took to Kitten Found Alone Outside and Started Caring for Him

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