Girls And Their Cats Shred The ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ Stereotype To Pieces

Good To Know

Ladies, we aren’t crazy for loving our cats.

If anything, we live fuller and happier lives thanks to our relationships with our felines. Beyond anything science has proven, our hearts tell us loving cats, as well as being loved by a cat, makes us more stable and more caring individuals.

And there ain’t nothing crazy about that!

New York photographer BriAnne Wills has set out to dispel the ‘crazy cat lady’ stereotype with her project featuring women and their cats. Not only do we see adorable pictures of cat ladies with their kitties, but we also learn what makes them confident cat ladies. Some of the women tell stories of rescuing a cat only to have the cat rescue them in return. These stories we know well, as they are reflections of our own tales. And thanks to Girls and Their Cats, we confident cat ladies have another way to bond with each other over our love of felines!


“The Crazy Cat Lady Stereotype is a Myth”

With her photo project and book, Girls and Their Cats, BriAnne “redefines what it means to be a cat lady through striking portraits and engaging profiles of each woman and her cat—or cats.”


Since 2015, BriAnne has photographed over 300 women and their cats. Here are some of ladies and their cats…

Confident Cat Ladies and Their Fabulous Felines

Emily Hubbard & Cat

“Her pain has become my pain, and I’ve taken more days off from work than I can count to help her recuperate, flitting around her like a nervous helicopter mom.”


Kyla Burton, Calvin, & a Clowder of Foster Kittens

“As I became more involved in cat rescue and partnering with local organizations, I continued to bring foster kittens home, particularly vulnerable ones with complex medical issues. While I can address their physical needs, there is nothing like having a feline partner to model good behavior. Calvin is the best babysitter one could ask for and over the last two years, we have fostered 70 kittens together.”


Carmen Graciela Díaz & Stardust

“We always feel that when she stares at us in her loving way she knows we rescued her. But I think she ‘rescued’ us.”


Elayne Safir & Molly

“Having had Molly as my cuddle buddy for 12 years now—across three boroughs in six apartments—has felt the closest to truly having a home, whatever our physical residence at the time. She has gotten me through break-ups with several boyfriends, work stress, a hurricane and recently a major health scare.”


Christina Chung & Juni

“Our tiny kitten that used to fit so snuggly into my cupped hands has grown into a cat triple that size while we grew into our roles as cat parents. Juni has to do so little to bring such happiness to our home, from the way that she stretches after a long nap, to how much she enjoys watching Planet Earth, or how happy she is when we come home to her.”


To see more, follow BriAnne’s work on Instagram, Facebook, or pick up a copy of Girls and Their Cats.

Please SHARE to pass on this story to a friend or family member.

Feature Image: @girlsandtheircats/Instagram

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