Kittens Found Under House, Bounced Back and Blossomed Through Help from Big Family


Two ginger kittens blossomed into beautiful cats through help from a wonderful family.

Holly @pawsofoz

Max and Ruby, two tiny ginger kittens, were found under a resident’s home. The cat mother never returned for them, so the homeowner brought them to the Best Friends Animal Society in Northwest Arkansas, for help.

Holly Brookhouser, a volunteer of Best Friends, was contacted about the kittens needing foster care. She didn’t hesitate to take them. “They needed a bottle feeder, so I took them in. I couldn’t say no,” Holly shared with Love Meow.

The pair was so happy to have a family to care for them around the clock. They stayed in the same room with their foster mom so she could cater to their every need.

Holly @pawsofoz

Holly quickly noticed the special bond the kittens shared. The two were rarely apart and would seek out each other if they weren’t within sight.

“The smaller, darker one is a boy, and the bigger loud mouth is a girl,” Holly added. “Their names, Max and Ruby, come from one of my daughters’ favorite cartoons, about a big bunny sister and her little bunny brother.”

Holly @pawsofoz

Soon, the kittens started to put on weight and gain strength. Once their little legs were strong enough, they began to waddle about and tried to explore.

The resident animals met the new fosters and took a liking to them. “Zaki the cat was sure curious about the ‘mini-me’s’ that had invaded his room.”

Holly @pawsofoz

Their curiosity quickly grew as they got to hang out with other furry friends in the house. Jack the senior dog adored his little feline buddies and let them climb all over him.

“They were the best, easiest bottle babies ever and quickly took to sleeping in our bed! They were very bonded and still are.”

Holly @pawsofoz

Max and Ruby do everything together. They like to wrap their arms around each other and intertwine their tails in a hug.

As they grew bigger, their personalities started to shine.

Holly @pawsofoz

They would scamper around the room, chasing each other, wrestling and roughhousing with their unbridled energy.

Once they were done playing, they would snuggle up to each other and purr themselves to sleep.

Holly @pawsofoz

The two never lacked attention and were constantly doted on by every member of Holly’s big family.

Watch Max and Ruby and their journey in this cute video:

Max and Rudy the kittens

Rigby the tabby cat has a soft spot for kittens in need. He volunteered to be the surrogate dad for the kittens and made himself available whenever they needed a hug.

“While the kittens should be weaned from the bottle, these babies were holding strong to it, especially Max.”

Holly @pawsofoz

Max and Ruby insisted on cuddling with everyone in the house and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Mini, another senior dog, put up with a lot for the needy kitties, but she was on the fence about ear licking.

Holly @pawsofoz

“Max and Ruby have got to be the most spoiled babies I’ve had,” Holly added.

“They slept with us (every night) and I couldn’t stand how cute it was to see them cuddled by my husband in the middle of the night!”

Holly @pawsofoz

A family came across Max and Ruby on the Best Friends’ page one day, and they were completely smitten.

When the kittens were ready to spread their wings and fly, they were adopted together into their new home and would never be apart.

Holly @pawsofoz

Max and Ruby have left many wonderful paw prints in their foster home. Now, they are thriving in their forever home, bringing joy to their loving parents every single day.


They have blossomed into beautiful young cats, and their bond has only gotten stronger.

“They are so loved, spoiled and happy to have each other. Two kittens are better than one!”


Share this story with your friends. Follow Holly’s foster kitties on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kitten Found Alone Outside Blossoms into Beautiful Cat and Finds Friend for Life

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