Mews and Nips: Army Solider Needs Help Bringing Her Kitten Home

Good To Know

During a recent deployment in the Middle East, Army Sergeant Ash received difficult family news. She credits a stray kitten for comforting her through this emotionally wrenching period. The little calico was near death when Sgt. Ash rescued her. She nursed Rona, as she named the kitten, back to health. Sgt. Ash will soon return to the US, and is desperate to bring Rona with her. Guardians of Rescue are working to navigate Rona through the complicated and costly process of international pet travel. They have created a fundraiser for the pair. For more about Sgt. Ash and little Rona, visit

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, I asked you to be a voice for peace, on Monday, I told you about the AAFP’s new Cat Friendly Certificate Program, on Tuesday, we featured gorgeous hand carved flying torties, on Wednesday, we shared a super cute cat shaped personal humidifier, on Thursday, we introduced you to a raised cat bowl with measurements, and on Friday, we told you about a new TV show starring Mayim Bialik and a tortie.

Today’s video of a kitten enjoying her “spa day” is sure to bring a smile. Oh, to be that relaxed!

Have a great weekend!

Photo via of Rescue

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