Kittens with Sweetest Smile Seek Attention from Everyone and Hope for Dream Home Together


A bonded pair of kittens seeks affection from everyone they come across, and hopes to find a dream home together.

Nashville Cat Rescue

Zip and Zap, two ginger kittens, were rescued from a cat colony in a neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee. Kiki, a foster volunteer through Nashville Cat Rescue, worked tirelessly with a kind neighbor to get all the cats and kittens to safety, and provide the help they needed to thrive.

Zip and Zap were immediately glued to each other after they were rescued. They were unsure about the new surroundings at first, but after being spayed and neutered and getting a taste of the cushy indoor life, they quickly came around.

The brother and sister duo turned into the sweetest love-bugs once they realized that they were safe. They showered each other with cuddles, purrs and licks while enjoying the comfort of their new abode.

Nashville Cat Rescue

Zap would squish his sister or lie on top of her when they hung out together, and Zip was the happiest, having her brother by her side. “If this isn’t a bonded pair of kitties, I don’t know what is.”

Over the next few weeks, their bond only became stronger. They learned to socialize with people and other cats in the house, but were rarely apart. “They are obsessed with each other and are always cuddling!”

Nashville Cat Rescue

“They are inseparable. Even with other kitties to play with, they always gravitated towards one another. It was obvious when I tried to trap them (in the cat colony) and even when they were living here that they are the best of friends,” Kiki told Love Meow.

“Their number one hobby is snuggling each other. I think they are just so grateful to be inside and be able to relax, without worrying about staying warm, staying out of danger’s way or knowing where their next meal will come from.”

Nashville Cat Rescue

The feline siblings both wear a cute little smile. They look so content as if they are constantly beaming with joy.

After three months in foster care, the two best friends are more than ready to find a place of their very own. They have been waiting for that special family to come scoop them up together and love them forever.

Nashville Cat Rescue

“This bonded pair was rescued from a feral cat colony, but as you can see, they are far from feral. They actively seek head scratches and perk up when they hear kind human voices. They are grateful to be inside, safe and warm and loved,” Nashville Cat Rescue said.

Watch Zip and Zap in this cute video:

Zip and Zap the kittens

Zip will nudge her face against people’s hands and demand pets whenever she gets a chance. Zap will quickly follow suit and join the snuggle fest.

Nashville Cat Rescue

“Zap is quite the talker with a squeaky meow. He loves his toys, will likely follow you and even give you kisses on your nose. He loves to be held and his favorite spot to be kissed is on that cute forehead of his,” the rescue said.

“Zip is the sweetest little thing. She makes sure that all her kitty friends are groomed and snuggled. She will be sure to demand your attention if she feels like she’s not getting it, usually tricking your hand into petting her.”

Nashville Cat Rescue

“I’m so glad to be part of their story and so glad that they brought me to be able to help more kitties,” Kiki added.

Nashville Cat Rescue

The two kittens depend on each other, and hope to share their purr-filled life with a family of their dreams.

Nashville Cat Rescue

Share this story with your friends. Follow Kiki’s foster kitties on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Nashville Cat Rescue on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kittens Found Huddled in Garden, Share Sweetest Bond, Now Have Their Dream Come True

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